Monday, April 11, 2011

Tutoring & Visits

I realized I haven't really shared much about my new "job." Prep work combined with the hours I spend driving, and actually tutoring do make it feel a job, but it really doesn't sound like one! As of this moment, I have 3 students. I have had several requests from other parents, but I decided to draw the line at any child under the age of 6, which slowed the requests down. I know it sounds cold-hearted, but other than the neighboring kiddos, and our own future little ones, I'm DONE with the 4 and 5 year olds. No more. (Well, no more after one my students finishes with me at the end of the summer.)

First, I have a 5 year old, who is originally from China. His parents have adopted him and we're working on getting him ready for Kindergarten in the fall. This consists mostly of letter recognition, handwriting, initial sounds, numbers, shapes, sorting, etc. He'll work with me until August.

Second, I have a 7th grader. We primarily focus on getting her caught up in math, as well as raising her grades in all subjects by helping her get organized, complete assignments and study for exams. I really enjoy this student! She'll work with me on school work through May, and then possibly take a summer study skills session with me ... not sure about that yet, though.

And lastly (for now), I have a 4th grader. We're going to be focusing completely on his writing skills - penmanship, spelling, sentence structure, grammar, etc. I've never worked on something like that, so it should be an interesting challenge! (Aren't all new things a bit challenging though?) After school lets out his parents said they want to work even MORE during the summer, hoping to get him on grade level by the time school starts next fall. It will take some intensive work on both of our parts, but we'll see what we can do.

I may take other students, but I don't want to encroach too much on the time Bryan and I have together in the evenings and on the weekends when he's off work. Right now I work Monday, Wednesday and Sunday evenings as well as Thursday and Friday afternoons. My hope is that once these students are out of school for the summer, we can actually move these sessions to weekday mornings, which would ROCK!

In other news, we've been having lots of visitors at our new home! Mom has been over a couple of times, my Grandma came to stay the night, and this past weekend my Meemaw and Papaw came to take us to lunch and look it over. Plus our friends Laura and Collin have stopped by, as did Collin's Mom. MeMaw & Paw have also been by since we "finished" moving in, as well as my Aunt Jana, my cousin Regan, and friend Samantha. There are plans for many others, as well.
(*Side note* I use the word "finished" VERY lightly)

We're thinking about having a big Open House party on May 21st .... hopefully I can get my butt in gear enough to be ready!

For now, though, I've got a pretty yucky sinus infection (thank you Oak Pollen), and am just trying to keep up with Maverick & my tutoring, as well as doing lots of napping & taking sinus meds. Hoping for a QUICK recovery! This is what happens this time of year EVERY year. Yucko!

Enjoy the beautiful weather, blue skies, and the last time we'll see the 70s during the day for quite a while :)

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