Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pledge: Phone Compartment - It can wait.

This morning a blogger I follow on Facebook posted this and hit home hard with me:

This morning I put my phone in the glove compartment (the below is not my glove compartment, it's a random image from Google, but I want a visual to add here), and I felt the instinctive urge to grab my phone FOUR times in a 20 minute drive. That is a crazy addiction, people. And I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. 

I'm done. 

I want to set a good example for my kids who will be drivers one day. I want to be safe with my kids in the car. I want to be safe for other people on the road. 

It CAN wait, and this is my public pledge. No more texting and driving. No more "checking" and driving. I hope you'll consider pledging with me.

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