Friday, July 3, 2015

Pre-July 4th

"Pre-July 4th" is really what July 3rd is. Everyone is pumped about the celebrations to come, flags are waving, patriotic posts are being made across the internet, briskets are being prepared... it's what folks do. 

Of course, July 3rd or 4th really doesn't matter to our girls. They just do their thing like always. In fact, at Clara and Emma's school today was the Independence Day Parade, where all the classes sing songs, wave flags and make special hats to wear. We ended up missing it because poor Emma was up most of the night vomiting. She was one sick little dude :( It continued on into this morning. I took Clara to swim lessons and left Emma with Bryan (it's not his Friday off, but he gets it off anyway because of the 4th) and Clara was too upset about Emma and didn't want to go to the parade without her, so the entire family just skipped it. I'm kind of sad about it because Clara loves to sing and I like to watch her :)

Anyway, from last night when this poor tyke couldn't sleep because her tummy was so torn up. I couldn't rest easy about her sleeping in her crib because I was afraid I wouldn't hear if she started throwing up again (we'd been up most of the night and I was exhausted), so we put her in the pack'n'play in our room for a while. She actually slept great in there until Clara woke up ready for the day (nooooo!!!) Then Emma woke up too, so Bryan went upstairs to hang out with fall back asleep with Clara while I rocked Emma back to sleep in our bed. I finally got her to fall back asleep (success!) but she was passed out on my lap, which made it very hard for me to get comfortable to go back to sleep.

in my lap
But then I finally got brave enough to try to transfer her over on the bed next to me in hopes that we could both get some more sleep.

Success!!!! (should have done it sooner)
so pooped out 
 But it didn't last long because the girls are early risers, even when they don't sleep much. While I was getting Clara ready for swim lessons, I solved the mystery of who has been stealing and hiding toilet paper rolls all over the house (including under her crib!!)
Caught in the act
Making off with yet another one. Crazy kiddo.
 The girls found the pack'n'play in our room fun & usual and wanted to play together:
so much giggling
 Then we were off!! Following another outfit change for me because Emma's tummy still wasn't settled.


Floating on her back
 When we got home we convinced Emma to nibble on a cracker while Clara swept up the crumbs.

And then this tired baby took a nap while Mommy and Daddy did too (Lulu came to the rescue to watch the girls while we snoozed. THANK YOU. We were so tired after being up most of the night).
not even in her usual sleeping position she's so tired
 Then after reading lots of books, naps, and some play time, we went over to Lulu and Papa's house for some swimming and some ribs.

Love her sense of style
 The girls (and Maverick) were happy :)

really sweet
 Don't worry, Clara did this on purpose and wasn't harmed (just lucky action shot):

Time to dry off and have some dinner!

Thank you again for your help Mom! And thanks for the ribs Dad! Please pray for Emma - we don't know if it's another allergy forming or if it's a tummy bug or what it is, but it's still going as of bedtime and we want the little one to feel better. Thank you!

Also, a bonus video of Clara pretending to eat gold fish or raisins or something at bedtime:
(you may have to turn up the sound to hear what Bryan and Clara are saying)
What a little nut.

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