Thursday, April 2, 2015

Emma's Birthday Activities

While I did a post for Emma's birthday, I didn't really do much of what we did during the day. There was so much! It was an insanely busy day, but fun too. The girls slept HARD that night.

It all started with some blueberries and waffles, because this little one really likes her blueberries.

Then we met up with some friends at the Children's Museum. Larkin and Clara are almost the same age, and Sawyer is just a few months younger than Emma. 

Watching the big girls
We're big kids too!
Clara & Lark in the firetruck
Clara & Emma shopping for fruit
Pushing along the cart

Clara purchasing lots of groceries from Larkin
 Emma is obsessed with tires, so she gets super excited when she sees a car or truck.

How does this work?
 Both girls like the water area. BIG splashes!

Having fun at the tower building area. 

Climbing up together
Right before she suddenly stood up and took 3 steps
Parachute Activity in the small room
Did I mention that Emma is obsessed with vehicle wheels?
 Once home the girls played a little bit and then it was time for a rest.
Pre-nap story time
 Clara was EXTREMELY reluctant to take a nap and yelled her little heart out before finally crashing on the floor. This doesn't look comfortable to me at all, but at least she got some rest!
Little tush in the air and one shoe off
While we waited for Clara to wake up, Emma entertained herself with a dog toy:

Since I breastfeed, and specifically nurse most of the time, I don't have very many moments where I get to cuddle this little one while she drinks her milk. It's really very sweet when it happens :)

After naps we met up with Miss Michelle, Riah and Jonah at WonderWild. 
Side note: Walkers are $10, non-walkers are $8. When we walked in, Emma looked so tiny that they assumed she couldn't even sit, let alone truly "play" so they didn't charge me for her at all. I didn't know this until after they saw her cruising along and asked me about it. I told them that it was actually her 1st birthday and the girl's jaw dropped. Luckily they didn't charge me after the fact :) Who knew there was such a specific benefit to having a teeny tiny baby?

Playing in the ball pit with Jonah
Little climbers!

More climbing!
 Exploring all around :)

Clara had so much fun
 A bunch of kids in a swiss cheese foam bench thing, ha

round and round and round and round we go
 Where did the babies go? Oh, they are trying to climb a gigantic slide.

There were a couple of other kids there, but really the place was nearly empty. It was so awesome having the run of the place without worrying about our kids. Plus Clara only took 2 potty trips so we had a lot of time to play!

Attempted group photo
Real life with 4 kids 
Emma now says "cheese!" all by herself, hehehe
 Then dinner at Emma's favorite place: Jason's Deli. Yummm yummmm, chicken pot pie soup and gingerbread muffins, her favorite!

Riah and Clara

sweet girl with her spoon
mmmm ice cream cone
Momma and Baby Girl
Lulu and Clara 
Family photo
It was a super busy day but a whole lot of fun for everyone!

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