Monday, June 8, 2015

Emma's 1st Day & Clara's swim lesson

Today was a big day in the Evans' Household! 

Daddy dropped Emma off for her first day at Primrose! She was so excited to see the other kiddos and all the toys and climbing pieces! 
She walked in and said "ball" - over the day her teachers were so surprised by her vocabulary! 
She wasn't super duper happy when Daddy left her :( But her teachers let me know that the rest of her day went well. In fact, she even took two naps on a little cot!

Emma's being patted by her teacher to sleep
 Meanwhile I took Clara to swim practice, and once again she did great!

After the swim lesson Clara saw a mommy blow drying her hair and insisted she do it too :)
I love this girl so much.
When we came home Clara wanted to open her new baby doll, and it was a big hit around here!!
Sharing with Emma: 
 It was PRECIOUS. Emma cuddled her close and then rocked her back and forth a few times before finding her eyes. So, so, so, so sweet.

And then she took off baby's shoes and tried to put them on her own feet with very little success, poor baby.

Clara pranced around with her light up princess shoes and golf club while Emma borrowed Dolly.
 And then Clara put herself and Dolly into time out for hitting a friend. (Which friend!?)

While she was in time out I got her to help with Thank You notes from her birthday party on Sunday. She helped me write about half before she gave up, and I just wrote down her wording almost verbatim (here's an example, because they cracked me up):

Eventually she ran out of steam, so I wrote the rest but she still signed her name on all of them :)

Of course Emma wanted to get in on the action so she colored with Daddy while Clara and I did thank you notes :) 

Then it was time for bed! 

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