Saturday, June 27, 2015

Vacation 3: SeaWorld PM

Last time you heard from me our little ones were snoozing. Once I finished blogging I may or may not have dozed off myself for a little while. When the kids were up from their rather long and restful naps, they were super ready to go have some more fun!

Emma snoozing on Daddy
And discovering the joy of Oreos! :0
We got back to the park around 4:45pm, which sounds late but it worked out okay because of their later naps. 

We didn't want to miss the Shamu show, so we started our walk in that direction. On the way we ran into some more ducks and flamingos!

Emma pointing out the wildlife
 Then we used our nifty "reserved seating" thing to get some great seats for the show.
Lulu & Papa right behind us
 Clara wanted to sit in the "splash zone" again :) - you know you're not surprised! 
Ready for show time!! 
Splitting a snack in anticipation 
It's whale-time!!

Since Mom and Dad were sitting right behind us, they got a couple of cool shots of us with the whales performing their tricks!

Clara thought it was AMAZING!

After the show
So cool!

Once the show was over Clara goes, "That was awesome. I like whales. Now we go splash?" Ha, I guess she was ready to go play in the Bay of Play :)


Do I even need to type it? They had a blast :)

Then we herded the children away from the water (poor kiddos), to feed them. Emma put away 2.5 slices of pizza!! where does she put it!?!?

Emma & Papa
Then, since the kids were sooooo tired, we decided to skip anymore playtime and head back to the hotel. 

The shuttle wasn't going to be there for about 30 more minutes though, so we made a detour by the alligator pond. Clara's been rather obsessed with the way alligators go "snap snap" these days, so I figured she'd think it was pretty cool.

Emma's not sure what she's pointing out, but she sees animals! yay! :)
 When the alligator first opened his mouth, I think Clara revisited the idea that the "snap snap" alligators do is cool, but Papa reassured her that he wouldn't let anything bite her, and showed her the two fences between them and us (which, frankly, I appreciate too), and then she was okay and excited again.

CB explaining things to Emmy

Lulu took this of all of us looking at the alligators 
Clara saying "see ya later, Alligator!"

yikes! and we saw at least 8 of them! 
Then it was time to go catch the shuttle because it was almost 8pm.
Clara had a small melt down, but really we didn't deal with any major behavior issues the entire time we were there, so I felt like we were winning!!

Can you spy the little baby? Hint: lower left
 Emma was over tired and just wanted to get down and WALK. Clara was over tired and bored. So we did what we always do when our children are getting grouchy: sing!! After several rounds of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "If You're Happy and You Know It" Clara led us in an engaging round of wheels on the bus, after informing the bus driver that he was supposed to say "move on back" :)

 I love these kids so much. Hilarious. I think C may be a teacher one day.

Then the kids let themselves off the bus (independent much? sheesh)

Headed to our room
 I just love this of Emma. She is never too tired to do her thing.

Lulu gave the girls baths to help them calm down (thank you!)
 And then Emma fell in between the sofa and the pull out sofa. Don't worry, Clara didn't tuck her in completely before we rescued her :)

I hope you all had a lovely Saturday as well! The whole Evans Clan is asleep except for me, and now I'm going to join them!

PS: Bonus video from this morning because I didn't have it yet:

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