Thursday, June 28, 2012


It has come to my attention that one of my posts (Second Week in Review) wasn't working properly with the pictures. I have rectified the situation, so now you can enjoy more photos of my fabulous daughter :)

In other news we had a very late night "minor emergency" appointment for Clara last night. Everything's fine, but I'm glad we checked it out. She's now up to a whopping 8 lbs, 2 oz!! This child is gaining about an ounce (or a little more) every day! I'm very grateful she's doing this on the OUTSIDE of my tummy, haha :) She's in the 3 week growth spurt stretch so we are nursing frequently and changing lots of diapers. I'm so glad and thankful she's so healthy.

My Mom is on her way over to hang with Miss CB and I, and we're going to take a much needed Target field trip! I was cleared to drive at my appointment but still not lift anything .... so how am I supposed to get my child in and out of the car I ask? It's quite the dilemma, so I appreciate all the help my Mom has been giving!!

I also owe a serious shout out to my neighbor Alicia for letting Maverick release some energy on her two dogs lately :) Thank you!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Flying Solo

I mentioned before that this week is my first week flying solo while Bryan's at work. Mom helped me out a lot on Monday, and Tammy drove me to my appointment yesterday so I had some help in the afternoon, but today I'm *really* on my own today. 

So far I've managed to:
- make the bed
- do the dishes
- shower/get dressed
- feed the dog & give him a little attention :)
- feed the child MANY, many times
- change the child's diaper MANY, many times
- get us both ready and out the door in time to be EARLY to my chiropractor appointment (whoa! :)
- get us to Salt Grass (I love their chicken tortilla soup so much) to have lunch with Daddy
- nurse in public for the very first time during lunch (we had a table in the very back and I had my cover so it was discrete, but it still felt nerve-wracking to me

I'd LIKE to fit in a nap, but not sure if that's going to happen or not ...

Miss Clara is having some tummy trouble, so please pray that it will resolve itself quickly and easily so she's not so frustrated. I can't really help her, but we're doing the best we can and it just hurts my heart to see her so upset. I think she's also about to hit her first growth spurt, so patience for both of us is key here.

I'm still learning the mommy ropes, so I appreciate all of the genuine love and encouragement I've had from so many recently! Thank you :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Miller Family Reunion

This past Saturday was the Annual Miller Family Reunion, and was held in Inez, TX per tradition.

We drove up Friday night and stayed at the Happy M Ranch with Mom & Dad, and visited with Meemaw and Papaw Meloy for a while too. Maverick came with us and hung out at Rose and Julie's house during the actual reunion (which he wasn't overly pleased about).

So much good food!
One of our first family photos of all 3 of us!
Love this family :)
Leading the yearly family meeting
This year's oldest goes to Aunt Mary followed by Meemaw (born 15 min later) and youngest goes to Clara Beth at 11 days old
With her Nona, following her favorite food: milk, haha

Second Week in Review

I'm not going to do another HUGE long post like last week, but wanted to make sure I hit some of the highlights from Miss Clara's 2nd week. The one big thing we did this week that is missing from this post is the Miller Family Reunion, but that's coming in the next post so don't worry :)
Clara's first chiropractor appointment at 8 days old
First time in the swing at 8 days old
Lots of skin to skin tummy time with Daddy which she loves :)
First time in her ring sling - instant nap time
We are really missing Goose!! It's almost time for her to come home!
Clara's first photo shoot at 10 days old - photos coming soon :)
Someone loves her PawPaw and someone loves his grandbaby :)
Lots of naps with big brother/guard dog Maverick :)
First time at a restaurant out to eat - Mi Rancho with Mom and Dad
First Walmart trip while Momma kept away the crazies that wanted to touch
Road trip to Inez for the family reunion, Mav was confused about why he was up front and Mom was in back
Spending the night at the Happy M Ranch first - first time there!
Napping with a very tuckered out Mom, who apparently had a tag in her face
First church service at Trinity Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 24
Willie's Ice House after her first church service, yumm
Time with Grandpa, Celina, and Little Ronnie
Got to meet Laura and Collin for the "first time"
Two weeks old TODAY! wow.
 I'm doing alright, healing steadily and *trying* to remember to take it easy. (How does one do that with a newborn and a puppy!?) Many thanks to Tammy for taking me to my 2wk doctor's visit today. I'm cleared for baths (YAY!) and swimming, and driving. Still on the restriction list: lifting and any activity that involves too much torso movement (like vacuuming). Getting there though! I have another appointment in 2 weeks, so we'll see how things are going then. He says my incision looks great and is healing well, although he had to pull a few stray stitches out. Oh! and I took off the steri strips this afternoon. Making progress!

Bryan is such a fantastic husband and father. He helps so much with whatever he can. He's also very loving and sweet with her while still being playful. I love to watch them together :) He started back to work this Monday, and Mom thankfully came to spend my first day "solo" with me and helped get some cleaning and laundry done which I really appreciate. Today I was on my own for the most part and we did just fine, thank goodness. I'm worn out but glad things are going well!

The Many Expressions of Clara

Please enjoy 2 minutes of Miss Clara's time. It's a shame you can't hear the noises that come with each different expression, but even her facial expressions by themselves are still pretty good :)

"There's my other hand!"

Monkey Clara

"Look! I can roll my tongue!"

Surprised baby!

"Mom! What are you doing!?"

"Is that so?"

"I don't think I like it …"

"I KNOW I don't like it!"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Maverick, The Helper

In case anyone's been wondering how our sweet puppy dog is doing with this major life change, here is he is making sure that she gets plenty to eat and has a comfortable resting environment :)

I think he's a little concerned about the change, but he is really intrigued by Clara and all of the noises and smells she makes. We are trying really hard to make sure he feels included in the activities happening, and I think these two are going to be best buddies in the future.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Clara's 1st Week in Review

Forgive this VERY lengthy post, but I when it hit me yesterday that Clara had just turned 1 week old I realized I better start getting better about documentation if I want to remember everything! kudos to you if you manage the whole thing!

First I labored for about 30 hours to get this baby girl out ... about 7 hours at home until my water broke, then 15 or so hours at Nativiti med-free, and then we transferred to Conroe Regional Hospital for pitocin with no success and ultimately ending in an emergency c-section. (Birth story still coming.) She was born at 8:23pm that incredibly stormy Tuesday evening. 

After being dilated to 9cm for 8 hours even the water wasn't helping

Transferred to Conroe Regional Hospital

Emergency c-section, Bryan ready to go
Last photo as a family of 2!

My favorite picture from the entire day - she's here!

She's perfect but has a huge cone head :)

Mom, Dad, Meemaw & Papaw wait outside the nursery while I'm stitched up

Hello family!!!

Screaming through her first bath

Phew, being born is hard work

Since visitation hours in the labor & delivery wing end at 9pm, Mom, Dad, Meemaw & Papaw Meloy all had to return the next morning (Wednesday) to get a chance to hold her. MeMaw & Paw Evans also joined us that morning. I was still recovering from surgery so my activities were limited, but I fought for the removal of several cords/lines/etc so that I could shower and dress (and basically just feel more human!), and by that afternoon Ronnie, Celina, Alexandra & Little Ronnie plus several friends came to meet Clara as well.

Holding Clara for the first time

MeMaw & Paw Evans

Meemaw & Papaw Meloy

4 Generations!

Smittin' :)

Bryan's family! I had finally been allowed to put clothes on, but still hadn't been allowed to shower

With Stephanie - our school friend

With Rachel - my A&M roommate

With Aunt Tricia

With Uncle Dewayne

Both of us getting so sleepy after a long day, I think I'm singing to her

Skin to skin with our 2 day old HOLDING UP HER HEAD!!?

(I don't have a picture of Laura & Collin - we need to see you guys again soon!)

Thursday was pretty relaxed. We had a few visitors (I didn't get a picture of Lauren, Chad and wee Landon! doh! but the cute grey & pink hat you'll see in MANY pictures is courtesy of this sweet family) and did a little napping and a little feeding, and the lactation consultant came by to talk to us for a couple of hours. (Plus all the doctor & nurse visits throughout the day like on Wednesday.) Mom & Dad went to visit Grandma in Port Lavaca which was the perfect decision.

Leah made this :) love!

With Leah - good friend & co-worker

First time in "real" clothes!

We also took the opportunity to take a couple of photos of just us with baby and baby by herself :)



Friday morning both baby & I had to get thoroughly checked out before we could be approved for discharge. My staples were removed and steri strips put on. Dad decided to come give us a hand with getting our stuff loaded and getting to the car and all that. We finally got all of the paperwork sorted and signed and were allowed to be on our way. On the way home Dad did some grocery shopping for us (thank you!) and we stopped by Nativiti to check in with our midwife, Trish. Mom met us there. Once we were home we did lots of feeding, rocking, and loving :) That afternoon Leah & Duncan dropped off Maverick (they took such great care of him (and Andrea & Phillip too!) for us while we tried to have a baby and recovered in the hospital!!) That evening (thanks to some glorious weather!) we hung out outside with our neighbors like we normally do on Friday nights and Clara got to meet just about everyone (although I don't have pictures of everyone). 

Thanks for helping, Dad!

First car-ride

With our midwife, Trish Perkins

"Sweet Momma & Dad  - baby girl had her hand up!"

Duncan & Leah dropping off Maverick
Neighbors Kristen & Craig

And their daughter, Aubrey (future babysitter!)

With our neighbor, Kara

With our neighbor, Jenalie

He's hopelessly devoted already :)

Saturday was a low key day around the house. Mom had been staying with us since we were discharged, and Dad had come to visit too (and enjoyed some tummy time with the wee Clara). Plus MeMaw & Paw Evans came by to see Miss Clara once more. We found out the sad news that Grandma had passed away that evening and began making plans for the following week.

Loving on her Nona

Tummy time with PawPaw

More tummy time! Strong little girl

Bryan & his grandparents

Still figuring out this whole nursing thing

I loooooove my Daddy :)

Sunday was Clara's first outing - we went to Uncle Dewayne and Aunt Tricia's for Father's Day, and had her first sponge bath at home. We also packed up and got ready for our first road trip/hotel stay the next day.
Family minus Kyle, Grady & Marissa

All the Dads
Cute, cute, cute in her towel!

Monday morning was Clara's first pediatrician appointment (she had dropped to 7lbs, 3.5oz at the hospital and was back up to 7lbs, 8.5 oz by this day, getting closer to original birth weight of 7 lbs, 12 oz!). Dr. Watson said she looked good - but we will never, EVER schedule another appointment for a Monday morning if we can help it. It was a ZOO in there and we waited an hour and half to be seen. By that time she was starving so I had to nurse in public for the first time, and she was rather put out with everything. 

I HATE being naked, Mom!!

Clara had a present for Daddy while we waited :)

Daddy sang to her to pass the time

Phew, I'm glad that's over

Following the appointment Bryan & I drove to Memorial Herman because they have a FABULOUS shop for breastfeeding mothers. I bought another nursing night gown (I love the first one Mom gave me SOOO much!) and another nursing bra (2 just isn't quite enough with how often I'm getting around to laundry right now). Then we drove the 3 or so hours to Port Lavaca, with only one pit stop at a Whataburger to change and feed Clara. (I didn't know where she would end up being hungry so I just pumped in the car and had a bottle ready - didn't want to have to nurse in a shady gas station or something.)
I bet Bryan's the first man to ever use the men's room changing table at Whataburger, haha He's such a good Daddy & helpful husband!!

Once we arrived in Port Lavaca we checked into the hotel quickly, changed Clara again and then headed over to Grace for Grandma's visitation. It was really nice to see so many people, friends and family. After the visitation we went to Aunt Quay & Uncle John's house for a late dinner and visiting, and those of us singing/playing in the funeral had a chance to practice. 

Had her movie running in the background

So many came to remember Grandma

Meemaw & Aunt Mary

Friends & Family

Monday night at the hotel was interesting. I was afraid we'd wake everyone in the rooms near us up but we never got a noise complaint, so I hope not. We were so tired - partially from just traveling after surgery and all that, plus making sure an infant is fed, changed and happy all night is a little bit of work :)

You're not going to make me sleep in the car seat, right?

Bryan writing the music to the song while Clara snoozed

All the pumping/nursing accessories had to travel with us

Slept in the field goal position in her RNP most of the night :)

Early morning stretch

Tuesday morning we got up and got ready at a fairly leisurely pace which was nice, and headed over to Alamo Heights Baptist Church. The ladies of the church had arranged to feed our entire family (which is HUGE) before the funeral service at 2pm, which was so very, very sweet and generous of them. It was also delicious - especially the cinnamon banana pudding :)

We practiced our music, fed and changed Clara, greeted folks as they arrived and the service started. It was the perfect service for Grandma - sweet, full of funny stories, and a reminder of what a Godly and service oriented person she was. I think we all felt very blessed to be there. It was good for closure and for enjoying fellowship with others that loved her. I have several pictures below, but other people spoke. These are just a few.

Practicing pre-service
Bryan spent about 2 hours making up the guitar music to a hymn - impressive!
Uncle John speaking
Grady speaking
4 Granddaughters singing "Friend"
Uncle Barry & Brynn playing/singing

Very elegant, simple and perfect

Clara also got to meet her Uncle Grady & Aunt Marissa for the first time! 

Aunt Marissa!

Uncle Grady!

The ride home was a little rough but we made it! We did stop by Target to get a few things we needed. By the time we got home we wanted to crash but couldn't because Clara was in no mood to sleep - she just wanted to cry and cry and cry. Oh well. It happens :)

Tummy time to fight off the big, bad, mean gas :(
That wraps up our first week with this sweet little bundle! It was the slowest and fastest week of my life, and very full of ups and downs. Enjoying Week 2 as we speak!