Wednesday, June 6, 2012

41 Weeks

We are still a family of 2. Or a family of 4 if you count the Maverick & Goose - and how can you not!? 41 weeks today and an appointment in a few hours to check up on everything.

Grandma is now officially settled in at Uncle John & Aunt Quay's in Port Lavaca, so that takes a serious weight off of Mom's shoulders. I honestly think that God had something to do with having this child wait until Grandma was settled, just so we wouldn't need to worry how to handle both crazy things happening at the same time. Please pray that she will finally decide to start eating, drinking, and doing her physical therapy. I hear seeing her plants for the first time in a while really brightened her up :) Maybe that will be the first step of many!?

Since Grandma has been gone, Mom's been going out of her way to keep me entertained and cheered up. My energy level is about a 0 (maybe a 1 on a good day) because I'm just so huge and this little one is so low. Plus if I'm on my feet for more than 45 minutes a day they blow up to the size of footballs, yikes! Thank goodness for peppermint oil and compression socks :) 
(Side note: I have NO idea how older folks get those socks on!!)

Bryan's been great to me. He's feeling bummed and a little nervous about her not being here yet too. I think we've both had more trouble accepting her tardiness lately because we received some very, very sad news about a friend of ours. She was a week and a half overdue, induced, and her son passed away shortly after birth from aspirating on meconium when he was born. This doesn't typically happen until babies are so developed that they can have bowel movements while still in the womb (typically only after 40-41 weeks). There's no way to know if that's going to happen until your water breaks, so we've both been on edge. Please, please keep Marlee & Bryan and their now angel baby Asher in your prayers. I cannot imagine the heart ache that accompanies such a sad experience. We have been loving on them in our thoughts and our prayers, but I'm sure the grieving process will take a while. 

Leah & Andrea were sweet enough to keep Maverick for a few days for us when we thought I was finally in labor, but nothing came of it. Thank you guys!! He had SOO much fun with Waylon and all the new people to play with. You guys are amazing :)

Blake graduated from High School this past week and is now Texas A&M bound - whoop! We had fun at the graduation party for him this past Sunday. Congratulations, Blake! 

Oh - and more good news! Ryland finally sent a crew by to fix our sprinkler system! (It got broken when they did the final leveling/sod laying for the house they built next door). Yay for a sprinkler system that works in Houston heat!!! 

I think I'm out of updates. Until we have more news :)

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