Monday, December 5, 2016


Recent funny conversations with Clara & Emma Lou:

Emma, determined to do something hardcore:
Emma: I gonna swim, I gonna jump, I gonna play ALL DAY.
Clara: Sure, Emma. How about you just sit instead?
Emma: Okayyyyy. I gonna sit HARD.

On the way home from school one afternoon:
Em: At school, at school, at school, I jumped! Jumped high. And, uh, and, and I jumped and hit my head like this *whack*, like this! And, and I jumped on the, uh, the cot, and jumped on the cot and hit my head and it, it HUWT!
CB: Emma, just SAY it already; did you break your head or not?!
Em: Yep. It all broke.

On our first homeschool day following Thanksgiving Break:
Clara: We didn't cut all Thanksgiving, so my scissors are REALLY hungry for paper.

Clara, as she tries to discover what's going on with the whole Christmas Story:
Clara: Mommy, why do the Wise Men wear dresses?
Me: Well, they wear robes. It was traditional clothes for the time.
Clara: Doesn't seem wise to forget your pants.

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