Thursday, January 1, 2015

Emma Lou is 9 months old! (Yesterday)

Emmy Lou Moo,

First of all you turned 9 months old yesterday and I took so many pictures that I had to make a collage because you, my dear, are ADORABLE no matter what silly face you are making.

Second of all you are growing and learning so quickly. You clap, wave, and pat your mouth to make the "Indian sound."You can say "hi" "yay" and "dada" - plus you babble to us ALL the time. You adore music and "sing" along with lots of "ahhhhh"ing. 

You think Clara is amazing and want to do absolutely everything she does and play with everything she touches. She thinks you are amazing about 95% of the time :) One of my most fervent prayers is that you two will continue to enjoy this beautiful sisterly bond. 

You really like watching football and Baby Einstein which cracks us up! 
You loathe the carseat and being put down to sleep. 
You still nurse like champ but also like pouches of baby food and eating whatever I'm eating (especially soup, chicken pot pie and enchiladas - all your favorites!)
You are allergic to sweet potatoes and penicillin. 
You still like baths, although you like them even more when Clara joins you. 
You DESPERATELY want to crawl and walk, but just haven't got it figured out yet. Instead you manage to do some combo of butt-scooting and lunching forward-sitting back up-and lunging forward again that gets you where you want to go. It's pretty impressive, actually. 
You are starting to resist diaper and clothes changes, but unfortunately for you we persist in making them. 

You have truly come out of your shell this past month. You've always been a fairly thoughtful and serious baby, but now you are flirting with everyone and giving us loads of smiles WITHOUT us having to work super hard for them! Your giggles are still these quick little bursts of laughter and not prolonged giggles, and we have to work rather hard for those still. We've discovered that you ticklish on your belly and on the backs of your thighs so that's made it a little easier :) 

You rock our world, Baby Girl.

Keep growing and thriving!
Love always, forever and more,
Mommy and Daddy (and Clara too)

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