Saturday, October 31, 2015

Aggies vs. Alabama

Two Saturdays ago (October 17) Grandpa and Uncle Ronnie watched the girls so that Bryan and I could join my parents at Kyle Field for the A&M vs. Alabama football game. 

We are SO appreciative of family willing to do things like this for us and the girls!!

Clara was so ready to play with Grandpa that she walked me to the door and told me to go bye bye. Well, okay then little chica.

I'm told they had a great time at Parker's 1st birthday party (thanks for taking them!) at the splash pad.

Meanwhile we had a great time at the game ---- sort of. The game itself was one of the loudest I've ever been too, and it's always fun to be at Kyle Field. It's a shame that our players didn't "show up" too. Our offense truly won the game FOR the other time. 

Almost all of the past Yell Leaders were there!!!
Our new stadium is wonderful

Probably the only empty seat in the entire stadium was right in front of me.
I adore my Mama 

I always get a kick out of the big Corp of Cadets Block T they do once a football season. They have the hardest time making it work, but it's still really cool. Too bad the shadow makes it look weird.

Thank you for taking us Mom & Dad, and thank you for making it possible Grandpa, Celina, Alexandra & Ronnie!!!

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