Sunday, August 16, 2015

Reflection on Trials

The past few weeks have been rough. Work difficulties, health difficulties, food difficulties, but most challenging of all: PEOPLE difficulties.

Each of the past few Sunday mornings someone I love has ripped me up inside. Friends, family, colleagues. I've handled it well in some cases, and poorly in other cases. I'm actually a little terrified of next Sunday morning, and I may just turn my phone off on Saturday night, and not turn it back on until Monday morning. But I don't think that will actually work because I believe I'm in a season where God has decided not to just ask that I trust Him, but demanding that I do so.

Unfortunately, it's much easier for us to trust in our fellow humans than in the Lord. We lean on family and count on them to love us even when we mess up. We rely on friends to be there when we need them, and strive to do the same for them. We work incredibly hard and count on our colleagues and supervisors to have our backs when the job gets extra tough.

But people are fallible. Every single one of us.
People can't be our saviors, but He can.

Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence."

Not those who trust in family. Not those who trust in their friends. Not those who trust their supervisors or colleagues.
Those who trust in the LORD are blessed.

Psalm 10:15 says, "Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you will honor me."

Well, I'm calling on the Lord. I'd like to not cry through another sermon because of a Sunday morning conversation that slays me, but right now I need to be humbled, and this steady dose of humility is doing the trick.

Are you being tested?

"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold" (1 Peter 1:7a, my own emphasis added).

I want to be gold. I want to be pure.

I want to become a better person and learn how to love others and God better.

I am so, so, so extremely thankful for the people that have allowed me to talk and cry on their shoulder the past few weeks during this new diet, double toddler tantrums and hurtful conversations, but more than anything I believe I'm learning to trust God to guide my tongue and actions, and He's probably thinking that it's about time, Katy.

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