Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday, Blog!

I've been semi-faithfully blogging since July 6, 2010! This may not seem like much of an accomplishment, but it makes me happy. I really love looking back and seeing all of the craziness that just 12 months can cause - TWO moves, FOUR new jobs, ONE (soon to be two) puppy(s), lots of fun, some frustration, many events with friends and family ... just a whole lot of different stuff.

On a different note, 2 things of interest happened today.

One, Maverick got a major hair cut! Check out the before and after pictures:

Notice that his adult hair is growing in a much darker color. We could catch glimpses of it, but it was so covered up by the 4-5 inches of hair covering it, it's no wonder we didn't see it all the time! It's a really gorgeous deep red color - I love it! Although I definitely miss the awesome and adorable apricot curls he had. He's still my baby though!

Second, I had a crazy blow-out on HW249 today. The truck in front of me spit out a piece of steel from it's bed and it hit the front of my car (thankfully no damage) and then went under my car and my back tire hit it - causing a huge gash, naturally causing ALL the air in the tire to immediately leave, making a huge "boom!" noise, scaring the you-know-what out of me, and causing my car to slow wayyy down suddenly, meaning all the cars behind me had to swerve to avoid rear-ending me. I (thankfully) made it to the side of the highway, but couldn't get my tire off because the nuts were screwed so dang tight. When I get my new tire, they will MANUALLY screw them in, NOT use the stinking machine! I shouldn't have to be Super Woman to change my tire! Thank goodness Paw came to my rescue!! I was hot and scared and emotional (pathetic, I know) from the suddenness of it, and then was terrified of the cars speeding by at 70mph a foot or so away from my car while I tried to change it. Paw, however, was in a much more stable frame of mind than me, and told me to back my car up into the little field area a couple of yards back to get us a little further off the road. My car didn't appreciate it, but it sure made it a whole lot safer for us. He had a "cheater bar" - a pipe that fits over the tire iron that gave us just enough leverage to get the nuts off. THANK YOU PAW!!! I owe you!!

Anyway, that's today.
Happy birthday, Blog!!

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