Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wow, what a weekend

As always, we had a very busy weekend!!

It started with Bryan's Friday off (yay 9/80 scheduling!). Since we were going to be town, we asked our friends Leah & Duncan to bring their golden doodle, Waylon, and go swimming with us at the lake house! The dogs had a blast! And they both crashed hard when they got home. Thanks for joining us!!

On Saturday bright and early (we're talking 6:30am on a weekend, ew) I took Maverick to the Woodland's Dog Park for the first time with our neighbor Alicia & her two dogs, Kobe & Lady. Since our first order of business for the day was to FINISH - and I mean completely finish - unpacking the house, we knew Maverick needed to be worn out. It worked out because Bryan got to sleep in which he really needed. Mav loved the new dog park, and had a great time playing with all the pups out there. Once we got back, Bryan woke up and we got to work. We still had one room we have been using as storage for all of the things we didn't really need immediately and/or didn't know where it should go. Well, now the room is empty - minus a ceiling fan box that Bryan will be installing soon. There will be a whoooole bunch of family members staying with us for Grady's wedding weekend, and we may very well end up needing the extra floor space for the kiddos, so it really was time to get this done. Plus now it's not hanging over our heads anymore!!

Un-packing and then deep-cleaning took most of the day, and then that afternoon we were going to see our friend Tyler, who flew in from Colorado Springs to spend some time with his family! Steven, Stephanie, Coulson & Evan also joined Tyler, Bryan & I for pizza, drinks, Wii, and visiting. Steven also brought his german shepard, Miko, over to play with Maverick - and they loved it :) I can't believe I didn't get a single photo, but we were busy hanging out! It is always so good to have Tyler in town - I wish he lived nearby!

The party on Saturday ended a little after midnight, and we fell asleep immediately. Sunday morning went as usual, but Sunday afternoon we decided to visit MeMaw & Paw Evans. Maverick was still super tired from swimming on Friday & playing on Saturday so he mostly slept through the entire visit : ). Paw is going to be building a swing!! I tell you what, this family has talented carpenters! After our visit, we figured Maverick needed to wake up at least for a little while, so we made the long drive to visit the Harris County dog park that we'd heard so much about. To give it credit, it WAS awesome. I wish it wasn't so far away though! There was agility equipment, bone-shaped pools, and tons and tons of space for the dogs to run. Maverick played hard, and immediately crashed again in the car, haha.

Since Monday was the 4th of July and SO much fun, I'm actually going to save the details for another post!!

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