Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekend Activities

This was a stressful/fun/busy/crazy weekend!

On Friday during school I started having some pretty serious contractions - about 3 an hour, lasting about a minute each. Once you start having 4 an hour, lasting about a minute or more, you're supposed to go to the hospital so they can give you drugs to stop it because that's considered active labor, which isn't good at only 27 1/2 weeks. I finally called my Midwife after a pretty agonizing day at school - I was uncomfortable already, the contractions hurt, and I had to be on my feet for about 7 hours - ouch! She got me some calcium & magnesium and lots and lots of water, and the contractions slowed down, thankfully!

Then we met up with a former co-worker of mine from Nitsch, Samantha, and had dinner at La Maria (yum) and splurged on frozen yogurt from TuttiFrutti too (YUM again) :) It was a good way to end a bit of a stressful day.

Saturday Bryan was husband-of-the-year again when he volunteered to drive Goose (and Maverick rode with them) up to Dallas (well, Ferris) to meet with the Safari Doodles owner so that Goose can be a mommy without me. I spent the morning sleeping in (Heavenly!), getting some work done, driving up to Conroe to see my parents, Grandma, my cousin Jonathan, his wife Sara & their kiddos. Little Joseph is almost a month old and sooo sweet! I loved getting the chance to hold him and help feed him. I can't believe we're about to have a little person like that around all the time!

I had to leave early because I had made plans to meet another former co-worker from Nitsch, Julie, at Panera Bread. I had such a good time visiting with her! She came over to see our progress on the nursery, and hopefully we'll have her and her husband over for a March Madness game to watch up on the projector soon.

Bryan got home, we found a lost dog (looked like a lab mix) roaming around the neighborhood nearby our house. She looked well cared for, and had a collar but no tag. Rather than heading straight to a vet to see she had a microchip, we decided to walk Mav & the lost dog around the neighborhood to see if someone would be out looking for her. We walked by a house and she got really excited, so we figured it was her's. We walked up to the door and a man walked out. Turns out his name is Mike and he and his family WERE missing the little dog- named Hershey. They accidentally left the back gate open - which we found out a moment later Maverick discovered and jumped straight into their pool. It was a little embarrassing but I think the family thought it was pretty funny. Maverick was so happy that he saw an available body of water to go swimming in, he just jumped right in and was paddling away, as happy as any puppy in water :) As soon as we got him out, he started wrestling with Hershey and they had a great time chasing each other around their front yard. Met some new neighbors! Too funny.

Later that afternoon Bryan and I made dinner together and watched Moneyball for the first time. It was a pretty good movie if you haven't seen it!

Sunday Bryan took Maverick for a walk, we got ready for church and decided to treat ourselves to Denny's pre-church. It was New Member's Sunday, and we were introduced/welcomed to the church during the service. I HATE being up in front of people like that without something to do, just smiling and nodding. Yikes, makes me nervous. Thankfully Bryan was up there with me and several others that did the New Member class with us.

After church we grabbed some lunch, ran to the grocery store (we're trying a new meal plan idea which I think is going to help me stay more organized with meal prep and grocery shopping, I hope), and then headed back to Conroe!

We saw my parents, Grandma, Barry & Cody. Maverick and Bryan went swimming (burrr!!!!) and we visited and had a delicious dinner of venison. So good.

Sorry I'm rambling so much, but it was just a good and varied weekend. I hope everyone else had a good one too!!!

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