Sunday, November 30, 2014

Children's Festival 2014

Once again this is a catch-up post from a month and half ago (but I'm almost done with big catch up posts!) 

At the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion the Children's Festival was held, and my parents had tickets that they gave to us. It opened at 10am, but for a variety of reasons we didn't actually make there until just before 11. Most of the vendors there had some type of game, activity or craft for the kids to do, or a give-away, so Clara had a lot of fun walking through the big tents set up with all of the vendors first.

Sadly for the vendors, most of them didn't really have anything we needed/wanted, but we still enjoyed the activities :) 

Here are just a few:
Painting with bingo markers - genius!
Breaking a board with the karate guys
Once we made it past all of the vendors we ended up passing up the train because it was a long line and I didn't know how long Clara would wait. We figured if she was still up for it after we looked around everywhere else we would come back. She still enjoyed seeing the train even if she wasn't on the "choo-choo".

We came across the best petting zoo I've ever seen. Plenty of animals, not nasty, very friendly, not too crowded - basically perfect.

Friendly goats with "pokey ears" (aka horns haha)
"Ohhhhh a Papa deer"
A new animal for Clara - a kangaroo!
Even Emma got in on the action, meeting the friendly donkey
I want to poke your nose.
 Loaded back up, Clara generously shared her new soccer ball toy with Emma to keep her happy.

Playing with some soccer balls, hula hoops and other fun toys

Waiting (im)patiently for her turn in the boats. Thankfully the line wasn't too long!!


The guy said Clara was probably too small and might be scared to drive the boat, but I asked begged him to let her try.

She LOVED it!
 When her boat timer went off she kept saying "mo'! mo'! mo'! 2 more minutes? mo' pwease!!"

When asked later what her favorite part of the Festival was, her answer was an emphatic "BOAT!" haha

Then we did a few more arts and crafts and activities, liking making tissue paper and pipe-cleaner butterflies:

 And she played an exciting round of toss the bean bag into the correct body organ hole (awkward concept if you ask me) 
*Confession: this happened right when we first got there but I can't make blogger cooperate and put it where I want, so I'm including this now*

 We made hats:

For Clara but made it on Mommy

And decorated it:

A balloon! hooray!
 (I try to put aside my beliefs regarding helium usage when my daughter is overtired and so happy to be given one and they are already blown up anyway. Sigh.)

Emma's turn
Then we met a REAL BALLERINA! Whoa. "She so pitty." 

 However, exhaustion mixed with a photo was too much for little Clara.

Poor CB.

But it's okay because Daddy made her laugh all the way to the car using the helium to make funny voices. All better!

Since we had been there for 2.5+ hours the girls took VERY good naps when we got home!

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