Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy M Ranch Thanksgiving: Part 1

Thanksgiving break was predominately spent at the Happy M Ranch this year. Saturday was spent doing chores, running errands and going to the Children's Museum (blogged about here: Children's Museum Outing), and then Sunday we ran to the store to find some more socks and pajamas and then packed and loaded up the car for traveling. Since Bryan had to work on Monday and Tuesday, he couldn't go early, but Grady, Marissa & Molly were only going to be at the ranch from Sunday night until Wednesday morning so I decided to take the girls (and Maverick) and go up early. Rather than have 2 cars up there, though, Bryan drove us to Weimer where we met up with my Mom (who was already at the ranch) who picked us up and took us the rest of the way to Cuero. (Thanks for doing that by the way!!)

Helping us load up the car
 Since we didn't leave until after nap time should have started the girls each took naps. Clara's only lasted about 45 minutes or so, but that's really not too shabby in the car! Emma slept almost the entire way to Weimer which is just shy of 2 hours. She was getting pretty ticked off by the time we pulled in, so I nursed her and changed her diaper while Mom, Bryan and Clara moved our things from our car to Mom's truck. 


So relieved to be out of the car temporarily!
 Sadly, Emma was NOT tolerant of being restrained in carseat yet again when it was time to go, so she was furious most of the way to Cuero. Mom and I stopped at a Sonic about halfway there to get Clara some tots and us some drinks and give Emma a chance to stretch her legs a little more. While Clara was very happy with her tots, Emma was still pissed by the time we got in the car, and this time Clara was too. Doh. They were THRILLED when we pulled up to the ranch, especially Clara when she spotted her Papa.

And then she saw Molly! Yay!! I think we all felt our hearts melt a little bit when Clara ran up to Molly and took her hand, and then Molly lead Clara away on "an adventure" :) 

it doesn't get much sweeter than this!

And then Meemaw was there to love on and play with the girls:

Clara quickly became obsessed with a doctor kit toy thing, and poor Emma was subjected to MANY, many ear exams as well as shots, poor thing, but she tolerated (most) of it with her usual easy nature. 

Aunt Tricia benefited from an ear exam as well
 I LOVE any chance I get to see Molly :)
Aunt Kate & Molly selfie :)
By this time it was getting pretty darn late for these little ranch ladies, so they were off to bed! (Except for Emma who decided sleep is massively overrated, ahhhhh)

A very awake Emma Lou playing with Regan and Uncle G
 The next day the girls were ready for some serious fun!
Papa took a post-hunting nap and Clara was worried he would wake up afraid (being in new surroundings) and so she tucked Babydoll in with him while she went to play.

Lulu and a happy Molly
 We took SO many walks this past week! The weather was excellent, the company wonderful and the exercise felt great. Two members of our group particularly loved the freedom of these walks: Maverick and Murphy. They ran and ran and RAN the whole time they were together. Except for when they were wrestling. Or swimming in the pond. Or crashed out on the floor desperately trying to recharge before they could run some more :)
Canine Bliss
 But the girls and adults also enjoyed these outings!

When we got back Uncle G introduced Clara to a lizard named Wizard.
so coot Mommy!
 And we helped Lulu clean off the little kid table and get it set up with paper to color on. Lulu and Emma played for a little while too - love this :)

Auntie M & Emma selfie :)
Auntie M & Clara :)
 You can put me on this four wheeler but I don't have to look enthused:
love her deadpan expression
Mommy & Tiny Two selfie :)
 The weather fluctuated a bit so it was warm sometimes and pretty chilly others. The girls looked so sweet all bundled up!

Molly Mouse
 I jokingly set Emma down in the middle of the two seats of the wagon to see what she thought - and the child LOVED IT! She thought it was hilarious. Clara did too so she decided to take Emma for a ride, underestimating her strength just a smidge :) I loved the way she would say things like, "hold on tight, Emma! you need water? you need a 'nack? keep hat on, Emma. You 'kay? good girl." So sweet and so funny!

When Clara ran out of steam I rescued the two of them and brought the wagon back to pick up our third passenger, Miss Molly.

So much fun!

Time to get down to some serious coloring after we interrupted the coloring set up with wagon rides!

I was pretty impressed with how well Clara and Molly played together the entire time they were there despite their young ages. I look forward to watching them grow up together.

We found out that Emma has approximately 10 hairs on the very back of the top of her head that are long enough for a bow :) hehehe

Putting Auntie M to night night is always a fun way to pass the time :)

Emma apparently LOVES stew. I can't believe how much she ate of the stew Aunt Jana made!

After stew and a day playing outside it was time for baths and pajamas.
When you're little, bathing at the ranch means bathing in the sink :) Molly wasn't super impressed but thankfully they all were squeaky clean!

Lulu and her 3 ladybugs right before prayers, songs, books and bed:

  The next morning (Tuesday) Clara had a ton of fun being "Bible Man" (is that a thing!? it's what the super hero cape says!) and rawring at all of us. 

And then, naturally, we took more walks.  

Now blogger is cutting me off, so you'll have to catch up with me in the next installment of the Happy M Ranch Thanksgiving! 

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