Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Adventures Part 1: Up in the Air at the Happy M Ranch

Okay, backing up before our Christmas holidays slightly: Clara made us two gifts at school, a plate with a footprint and handprint reindeer and an ornament for the tree!

The kids actually helped make the clay and then painted them.
I always wondered what parents really thought when their kids brought them home ornaments of this nature and now I know. I love it! And I love having it on my tree.

And I learned how to make a bow :)

Emma's ornament from school. Ms. Kim took all the kiddos' pictures with elf hats and framed them. So cute :) 

Anyway, on Sunday night Bryan and I packed up the car and had everything ready to go so that when the girls woke up on Monday we could feed them, dress them and stick in them in the car and be ready to go. Our plan worked surprisingly well, with only small delays, nothing major. The drive down to Cuero was fairly uneventful - I drove, Bryan got work done, Emma slept and Clara kept up a steady monologue of all of her 2 year old thoughts. We only experienced maybe 20 minutes of crying? A straight WIN in my book.

Once we got to the Happy M Ranch, guess what was waiting for us!? 
A hewi-topter! whoa! 
Totally awesome from the car, totally scary once Daddy hopped in and took off. It took a while to reassure Clara that Daddy was coming back, he was just going for a ride to try to spot deer and pigs on the ranch. We didn't bother trying to explain the rifle. I'm not sure airborne hog hunting would have meant much to her anyway. 
Luckily for Clara Papa was there and ready to reassure her, and point out where they were flying in the sky.

Once that group landed, Mommy got to go up with Papa! Clara and Emma spent the time with Lulu, Auntie M, Molly and Daddy.

Maverick was 100% convinced he was going up in that helicopter with Mommy. Bryan had to physically remove him. Kurt, the pilot, said he takes his dog up regularly, and would have been fine with it. But Papa (and myself) worried that something bad would happen, so Mav got left on the ground. 

Buckled up with headsets on!

View from my seat. It was incredible. The ranch is so pretty from the air. Lots of different brush, lush and green food plots, areas that have been cleared a bit and mulched. Very very cool.
View from my feet

Look who ran out form the brush!
 So pretty!
Bran & House
Clara's uncertain, Emma's intrigued, and Molly is so so sad.
Emma posing

Murphy and Maverick, crazy canine cousins
 Helping Papa with the kitchen sink plumbing situation:

With Auntie M!
 Phew- that was a crazy morning! Time for a siesta!

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