Sunday, May 3, 2015

First splashes of the year!

After Clara's No-Nap, I decided we should hit up the Shadow Bend Splash Pad since it's only free and open to the public for another few weeks. Then we could only get in if we had a Woodlands Pool Pass, which we don't. 

Clara was super excited to put on a "twim toot" heheehhe

"Look Mommy!!" pointing to the splash pad when she saw it
 She never even paused. Off she went!

Checking out all the different features
Favorite part = the slide (for BOTH girls!)

Their other favorite part was this little circle of spouts
Clara did a lot of hopping in and out of the circle and Emma splashed and splashed
After about 25 or so minutes of playing, Emma crawled off the splash pad over to the diaper bag and dug around until she found some popcorn and her drink and helped herself. I was cracking up! What a Miss Independent she is!
Just getting a snack
 Clara never even thought about pausing for a snack. She was way too busy having fun with the other kids there and splashing in the cold water.

Under the tree

While Emma dug she also found her hat and shoes. That hat she can do herself, but she REALLY wanted me to put her shoes on. No way chica. They would get soaking wet!

Making a little friend
The clouds disappeared so I added her sunglasses to the mix

so much fun!

love the lighting
getting snug and dry
 Once we got home, Bryan grilled dinner while the girls had a pre-dinner snack outside on the picnic table. Clara made sure Emma had plenty of goldfish.

After dinner the girls went for some rides around the porch :)

And they watched Mommy exercise Maverick with a lively game of chase and throw the ball :)

so cute
Then Clara joined in on the fun!
 Finally, it was time to go inside.
Emma had a blast with her ball and walked around for almost 20 minutes growling with it.
Not the best video to demonstrate but still pretty funny:

Running out of steam
 Clara didn't even make it until bedtime. Daddy took her up and sang her some songs and she passed out cold, didn't even notice when he left. Phew, it was a busy day!!

So much fun on a Saturday!

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