Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Kyle & Kori's Wedding

I am in the process of switching to my new laptop (hooray!) which means accessing pictures has been an adventure. However, I am finally getting the hang of our new system (which Bryan says will be much more hard-drive friendly) so that's good :) Also, today was my last day of school so I will finally have some free time.

So rewinding a few days and skipping around, let's start with Kyle and Kori's wedding:

We met Lulu, Papa, Meemaw, Papaw, Uncle G, Auntie M, Molly and Baby Jessica at my parents' house before the wedding to visit without the crowd. We also managed a few quick photos:
Meemaw & Papaw and their 4 great-granddaughters!
Auntie M with Clara & Molly
Family photo op
 We had an incident involving a sippy cup and a dress, so a quick stop at Carter's on our way to the wedding was in order. You'll notice Clara is wearing a different dress at the wedding than she was in the previous pictures (ahhh!) but it happens.

Molly looooves her Lulu
I felt like the Meloy family side show during the service. We had 4 children under the age of 3 who were NOT interested in sitting still and quiet during an hour+ service. It was a beautiful service, but the kids just didn't fully appreciate it.  Both Papa and I took turns taking Emma outside or the back of the facility to keep her occupied.

Emma making a break for down the aisle - catch the baby!
LOVE this photo of Clara praying during the ceremony

After the ceremony there was a cocktail hour outside while the wedding party and family took photos. The girls kept themselves entertained by wrestling over a water bottle.

love this!
 Awkward toddler hugs are the BEST!

Emma was one cranky chica
No matter who held her :(
This cracks me up- love these ladies!
Emma playing peekaboo with Emma while Clara asked for chicken.
Lots of Jessie love (here with Aunt Jana)
And with Papa
Clara desperately wanted to meet the "princess" so she and Papa went to say hello.

Meanwhile Clara had ZERO compunctions about dancing with no one else on the dance floor during dinner.
Luckily for her, Papa joined her for some of the time

I LOVE the way she feels the music and moves accordingly. 
I took several videos and none are perfect, but you get the idea :)

Dancing with Daddy:

Dancing with Papa:

This one is probably the best illustration of her dancing by herself:

The ending is so sad here but otherwise it's super cute:

Sweet Mama and Baby JJ
Uncle G with Molly and Clara
Papaw having a chat with Emma
Clara kept attempting the splits - WHERE did she learn this!? 
Kids and their kids photo - the littles were OVER the evening
Lulu and Papa and their pooped out and ornery grandbabies :)

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