Sunday, March 6, 2016

EARS! Emma's surgery.

Well, it's been one major ear drama around these parts! First Clara's ear drum completely burst - more information to come on that after our follow up pediatrician appointment - and then Emma had her adenoids removed and tubes put in her ears. 

Clara had a sleep over with Lulu the night before Emma's surgery so that she wouldn't have to get up at 5am. Thank you Lulu! I think Clara enjoyed the sleep over :) And thank you Lulu for taking Clara to her doctor's appointment about her ear. 


Bryan and I took Emma to the Conroe Surgery Center bright and EARLY on Friday morning. She was a little irritated with us for waking her up, but some crayons and playing with Mommy & Daddy helped.

She was admired by all of the staff, especially her little Pebbles hair 'do.
Getting hooked up and checking oxygen levels
Not sure what she thinks about it
The tiniest blood pressure cuff ever
And then Emma drank some happy juice and started getting pretty silly :)

Loves her Daddy
I can't resist including this photo:
Sorry to my future grown up Emma ;)
 This painting was a major win because we counted the trees over and over and over!

The happy juice also makes babies a little sleepy:

Pretty soon she was very unsteady, so she laid down on the bed and played peek-a-boo with her blanket:

And admired her ankle bracelet (ID) 

Hello little bear
There goes Emma with her nurses, tiny feet in the air. She was extremely loopy at this point.

Bryan and I waited outside for about 30 minutes and then they called us back to help Emma come out of anesthesia. She was NOT happy with us at all. She was so angry at first that I pulled her into a tight bear hug and they draped a warm blanket on top of us, and I just rocked and sang to her until she fell asleep again. She slept for another good 20+ minutes.

She was still upset when she woke up, but we had Baby Einstein cued on the iPhone (her favorite show), which helped calm her down too.

She threw her sippy cup overboard repeatedly, and so we hesitantly tried a big girl cup, which thankfully did the trick! The kids can't leave until after they've had a certain amount of fluids.

The IV really made her angry, so we were all relieved when they came to remove it.

Unfortunately the rest of the day was a big disaster too. We played a tinnny bit, but she was so unsteady on her feet and everything made her sad. She ultimately ended up taking a nap and then crying the rest of the day.

Some more Baby Einstein for our sake as much as her's.
 When Clara came home she brought Emma a picture she drew her to make her feel better. It's an angel - complete with wings and a halo! And you can see how good she's getting at writing her name!

We were ALL relieved when bed time came around. More on the rest of the rest of the weekend soon :)

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