Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why, hello Peanut

Today was a pretty awesome day. My gut was a bundle of nerves and butterflies (and baby, too) while waiting for our appointment at 11:30 this morning. (What new Mom isn't always paranoid?) Turns out there was absolutely nothing to be worried about.

Say hello to Peanut!!

Looks like a pretty stinkin' cute baby to me :)

Hi Peanut!
Mommy & Daddy got to actually see you today! It was the first time Daddy got to really know that you exist. I’m pretty sure he wanted to wave, but resisted and just squeezed on Mommy instead. You were squirming around like you were trying to figure out what to do with those teensy tiny arms and legs. Planning on being an athlete, hm? You’ve got a little while to go before you can throw a ball, but we’ll make sure you learn.
Your heart was beating strong and steady at 143 beats per minute. It looks like a little flicker on the screen, so imagine how small your heart must be! You have an official “due date” now – May 30th, 2012!! That makes it more real for me too. (When you get to know me, you’ll realize Mommy is a very goal-oriented person.)
The midwife took lots of blood to make sure Mommy doesn’t have any infections or problems that could affect your development, and we’ll find out about that in a few days. The next appointment is next Thursday and it will be a really long one to check absolutely everything.
This is really happening little peanut! You’re still growing right on schedule, and are looking extra adorable (which is to be expected, I suppose :)
Thank you for letting us take a peek at you today!

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