Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Halloween Weekend from the *3* of Us!

I owe posts about our new car, our weekend at the ranch, and probably one or two other things?
However, I will leave you with these attempts at a good picture of "the 3 of us" :)

We really liked all of these, and picked one to "announce" to the rest of our friends that we hadn't told personally yet.

I realize my face is ballooning. It's a pregnancy symptom and I can't help it :( I think it comes with the nausea and the fatigue. I'm still waiting for the "pregnancy glow" - maybe I should tell Bryan a facial would help?! Kidding, kidding ... mostly :)

You may notice that the shirt I'm wearing was actually created by someone with skill and access to some type of manufacturing, while I cut up white duct tape in an attempt to create Bryan's :/ Not the best job, I know :( But I really did try!! For his costume, he's actually going for Steve Jobs (obviously passed away now) - notice the Apple logo for the heart :) And Jobs almost always wore a black turtleneck tucked into jeans, so we feel it was pretty accurate. Anyway, my point was don't judge too harshly about Bryan's skeleton costume, haha. It was an honest attempt.

Tonight we're off to Andrea's 30th birthday dinner at Shogun - YUM! and then to a Halloween Party at Kirsten & Brandon's house. Should be fun! The puppies are loving their Halloween because they're at Willow Creek Ranch getting to run around, play, and frolic with 20 other doggies who always need an outlet for their energy :) We'll pick them up Sunday, and enjoy the peace for a little while, start missing them, and be glad to pick them up soon!

Our A/C is off, all the windows are open and we're LOVING IT!! I wish this weather would come and stay put. Going from hot to cold to hot makes my sinuses and allergies scream in protest, but I could handle it if it would just come and stay for a while. I got to wear a jacket last night and it made my heart glad :) Also I hope it kills ALL mosquitos. I'm covered, and I do mean covered with bites - neck, shoulders, tummy, legs (really bad), arms, everywhere - how do they even GET into some places??? Bryan says I look like I have a disease, but I swear it's just mosquito bites. Die, miserable creatures! Let the cold overwhelm you!

On that note, Happy Halloween!!!
Oh, and when did ABC Family quit playing great Halloween shows like Casper the Friend Ghost this time of year!? I love non-spooky fun!!

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