Wednesday, January 16, 2013

7 months

Clara Beth, 

You are 7 months old!! And you can do so many things!
You ...

"Talk" (babble) all. the. time. It is so fun to hear!
You can make "ah" "ya" "ba" "blah" "gah" "da" sounds, and sometimes you string them together to make funny words like "yablahda." I'm convinced you will be a famous speaker :)

Laugh!! You make this crazy hissing/cackle sound that cracks us up as well as big belly giggles.

Smile at everyone, although it sometimes takes a few minutes.

Roll over front to back and back to front with no effort at all anymore. In fact, it helps you get where you want to go!

Army crawl! It's the cutest thing. You've almost figured out "real" crawling, because you'll get on your hands and knees and rock back and forth, and while occasionally you can move like this, usually it results in lunging and face planting.

Sleep at night! (whoo hoo!) From 7:45pm-5am, and then from 5-7:30am. Mommy & Daddy are HUGE fans of this progress.

Love your Violet, pretend TV remote, caterpillar mirror, and cube, but you're also willing to play with anything that gets close enough to touch.

Eat constantly. You still nurse like a champ, but we also feed you solids so you'll eat a little bit of whatever we're having for dinner plus some purees and your very favorite: BANANAS. Yumm. You can polish off an entire banana by yourself, it's pretty amazing. 

Wear size 3 diapers, and 6-9 month old clothes.

Try to grab Maverick's tail any chance you get.

Love to be outside and see the kids and dogs playing in the street. 

Take 2 naps a day (most days) - one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

I love you baby girl!! 

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