Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bits and Pieces

I looked back over my blogging history, and realized that I've never slacked so much as in April this year! I think that's because it's become a little harder to carve out the time and energy for it :)

My addiction to the TV show Gilmore Girls is official. It aired from 2000 to 2007, and I've been having Netflix send us discs as we keep returning them. There are 7 seasons and 6 discs to every season .... it's going to take a while to receive and watch all 42 discs, but I'm so excited! Maverick would obviously rather play chase or tug than watch the show, so I occasionally have to remind him that it's not ALL about him :)

Actually, speaking of Maverick, he's been really good lately. He's getting (a bit) better with his crate, almost zero house training accidents, and he's just about mastered the command "sit," which most dogs don't master this young! He's also finally figuring out what his name is, which is cool. He ADORES our across the street neighbors, and will sometimes try to look out the window next to the front door to see if twins are outside playing. It's so cute. It's still a little challenging to sometimes get our schedule nailed down, since it's not always consistent, but we're getting there!

My future sister-in-law, Marissa, came by on Tuesday after our vet appointment (Maverick's second round of vaccines), to meet the little guy and visit! It was so nice! I really appreciate her making the drive from College Station. She and Grady have been making some plans for next year that I didn't know about until we visited, so I'm really looking forward to see what ends up unfolding in the next few months as far as their plans are concerned.

The house is really starting to feel like home, too. We L-O-V-E our back yard and patio! I think the only two things that could really make it the teensiest bit better will be a porch swing & gas grill! It's on our to-get list, as soon as we find the right one at the right price. Maverick is also a big fan, as I'm sure you could already guess :) He likes to "pull weeds" and run in circles around the tree. Whatever works for him, I guess!

Tomorrow I start with my newest student, the 4th grader on his writing skills, and I'm actually feeling a pretty nervous. I'm not really sure what to expect, or what to do, so keep us in your thoughts as I try to figure out the best way to help and support this child. Many, many thank to Janie for the pep talk I needed today!

I hope everyone is having a good week and not getting too stuffy from this miserable oak pollen that's in the air. I'm praying for rain so that it will GO AWAY! Awful stuff. Plus our lawn would appreciate a good downpour, as I'm sure the rest of you are thinking as well!

Also: in case y'all were wondering, Bryan is doing very well too :) I didn't want to leave him out. He had a trip to Denver last week and says this about it, "it was a lot of time traveling for a 4 hour meeting, but it was fun and productive, and I got to stay in a very nice hotel!"

I know we're not overly exciting these days, but thanks for reading!

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