Wednesday, January 18, 2012

healthy baby girl, sick puppy dog

Today was full of ups and downs :) The ups definitely outweighed the bummers though!

School was great, as it has been this entire semester so far. I'm much more prepared and organized, and I'm doing all of my own lesson plans and assessments, which means my students are really learning a lot, and I'm doing a better job teaching - always a good thing! Recently my supervisor has also mentioned how pleased she has been with my work too, and how happy she's been with my teaching which makes me VERY happy! After last year, this is such a lovely and welcome change. Last semester was good, but this semester is even better. Here's to hoping it stays that way!

And then I had my monthly midwife appointment - everything looks great with me. Following the appointment with the midwife, I had baby's anatomy scan! My parents, and Bryan were all able to be there for it too, which was really awesome. This is a scan done on almost all pregnancies these days to check the heart, lungs, bone growth, skull development, etc. She looked great on all accounts - lots of hand/foot movement, we even saw her sucking/swallowing amniotic fluid which was SO COOL! Her heartbeat was right around 140, strong and steady. They double-checked the sex for us - as the ultrasound technician said, "she's still a rose - I don't see a thorn" :) good thing ... or we would have some little girl clothes to exchange :/

She weighed in at 15 ounces - one ounce shy of an entire POUND! No wonder I've been so hungry - she was only 8 ounces the week before Christmas, so she's nearly doubled in weight in less than a month. That's a serious growth spurt. Between her weight, and all the other measurements of her femur, abdomen, and head, her new due date is looking somewhere between May 22 and May 28th. {Dad is of course rooting for May 25 :) - wouldn't that be fun?!}

Although slightly on the small side (who is surprised???), she's looking close to average and healthy, praise God! Mommy's doing well too - thank you, Lord. And I've made it to the chiropractor every single day this week - and almost every single day last week to work on the 3 pinched nerves. 2 of them are doing much better, and he's going to continue to work on the sciatic (sp?) nerve, which hopefully won't take too much longer to fix. Plus it helps with some of the other aches in my back, hips and neck. Apparently these are common complaints of carrying around a child :)

We were given a few pictures of sonogram to take home, and Bryan will scan those in at work tomorrow so I can post them here!

Unfortunately, between school, the midwife, and the chiropractor, I didn't make it home until 4:30 (I'm usually home by 3:30). I didn't think an extra hour would be too much for the puppies, but I felt bad about it. When I got home, though, I realized what a rough day one of the puppies had ... :(

Maverick clearly had an upset stomach, and pooped all over his kennel - which unfortunately also included the walls and carpet nearby. It was of course also all over his bedding and him. His cheek fur was really wet, which happens when he cries a lot - which I would too if I had an upset stomach, couldn't go to the bathroom and was stuck going in my kennel where I had to lay down on all of it. Poor puppy!! I felt horrible. I let him out, calmed him down, got him cleaned up and then got started on cleaning the kennel, the bedding, the walls, and the carpet. Yuck. Bless his heart.

I couldn't help but think of my sonogram earlier ... she looks so adorable and sweet in there, but you KNOW she's going to be all of those things PLUS a mess when she comes out :) This won't be the first round of poop all over the place I'll be cleaning up, I'm sure. Bring it on little girl (and little puppies) - I'll love you anyway :) Even if I WOULD prefer all of that mess stay in the grass or in a diaper.

Sorry about the long post!! I guess I just kept going.

One last thing: I keep remembering our second favorite name, Hannah Marie, and wondering if we should switch to that? AH! I'm beginning to think this child should just remain nameless forever since I'm horrible at committing to something this permanent. Please be warned - the name could continue to change up to and including the day she's born. Then again, maybe we'll come in a full circle and back to sweet Rory Elizabeth she'll be! Haha.

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