Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2/3 there!

Why, hello 3rd Trimester!

I've been waiting for you to come. I've been told by numerous sources that the 2nd trimester is an "easy" one, and then I will feel like I've been hit by a train for the remaining 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Perhaps it was the sinus infection, the 3 pinched nerves, and then the respiratory infection without being allowed to take any cold meds or Alleve that cause me to view the above statement with suspicion, but I'm not convinced ANY of this is "easy" :)

Nevertheless, we are below the 100 day count, I'm officially in 3rd tri, and wee Baby Evans has been kicking and moving up a storm recently! According to all the doctors, she is supposedly about 2 1/2 lbs heavy, and about 16 inches long. Almost all babies born at this stage also have an excellent prognosis if they're born early (although this little lady is going to stay put for a while longer) because their lungs are beginning to mature.

WE HAVE A NAME! But I'm not sharing :) Bryan and I decided to keep our mouths shut until we introduce her on her birthday. The reason? Bryan doesn't want me (or anyone else) talking me in or out of another name. His reasoning is sound, I have to admit.

Love this little lady!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, my first reaction when I read that y'all aren't sharing the name: "Noooo!" But then when I read Bryan's reasoning, I understand :) Can't wait to hear the name you picked AND meet your little girl in a couple of months!!
