Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mama Ramblings

A couple updates from the Evans' Household:

(1) I fractured my hip a week and a half ago. 

I really thought it was no big deal for a week or so, but now I'm wondering what I did to the universe to bring this upon myself. (I didn't realize it would feel worse over time rather than better.) The solution is to "rest" and "ice" it. I've got 2 dogs, a house that's a mess, a toddler to keep up with, and a job.

I'm fitting in rest and ice the best I can, but there have been some days where I've left Clara at school until Bryan gets off work and can get her because I just hurt too bad to keep up with her sweet active self at home by myself. Sweet girl doesn't realize Mommy is being a lazy bum because she's hurt, she just wants Mommy to hop up and dance or take a walk or play. Can't blame her!

I know there are SO many things that could have happened when I fell that would have been so much worse - our baby could have been hurt, I could have broken more than what I did, could have hit my head, etc., and I know there are so many people out there with much more challenging obstacles, so I promise to try not to complain too much. But I would really appreciate your prayers for QUICK healing and for pain tolerance, since I'm fairly anti-Tylenol.

(2) We have a name for Tiny Two!! (Although I 100% reserve the right to change it when she's born, but I seriously doubt that happens.)

Her name will be Edith Marie Evans (happy dance). Bryan and I are so excited about meeting this new little bundle, and can't wait to see Clara learn to be a good big sister. I'm working on some fun vintage-inspired decorations for Edith's room, which I'll share with you once they're finished! Lulu has already nicknamed her "Edee" and Bryan has nicknamed her "Eme" (initials), so apparently there will be lots of choices to choose from!

(3) We have received so many awesome compliments lately about Clara. 

How sweet she is, how caring, and how smart. We also hear how cute she is - but let's face it, toddlers are really stinking adorable! She loves, and I mean loves, to read. Lately she's wanted one of us to read her a book, then the other parent to read the book, and then try to read it by herself to us. The vocabulary explosion that is happening from this is unreal. Seriously.

Her teachers regularly tell us how verbal and chatty she is. They say if they want to teach her a new word, she can usually get the hang of it by the end of the day, even if the pronunciation is slightly off. One of her favorite things to do is look around wherever we are and point to things she knows the words for, at restaurants, church, stores, home, etc. It's hard for me not to savor hearing about her progress. I am her mommy after all!!
(It also makes me feel better about her picky eating and her lack of interest in new motor skills at this point like jumping or kicking. She'll pick those up when she's ready.)

She also loves to sing and show off for people, which cracks us up, and she just soaks up the attention.

Quick story from Bryan picking her up at school today: Clara was sitting next to the book shelf reading while the other 2 kiddos were playing nearby. When Bryan showed up she saw him, jumped up and ran to him still carrying the book she had been "reading." Since the other kids were still waiting to be picked up they came and joined Clara saying hello Bryan. I guess Clara was really excited about the book she was reading because she started showing Bryan, but then decided to "read" it to the other kiddos, pretending to read the page, and then pointing out each of the items on the page and showing it to the kids and naming it. (Exactly we we've done with her at home.) The kids were totally cool with Clara playing teacher, and just went along with it. Her teachers said this is not an uncommon activity in the class.

I'm so excited that at least one of my children will love to read like her mommy!! Maybe Edith will too?! Or maybe Edith will the one in the backyard pegging the dogs with golfballs. Who knows? And frankly, who cares? Healthy and happy children are what I pray for daily.

Anyway, there's a not-so-quick update from a physically uncomfortable but emotionally happy Mommy :)

1 comment:

  1. Ever since you told me Tiny Two's name, I've been calling her Edee in my head! But I wasn't sure if you would be okay with I'm glad that I'm in good company with LuLu :)
