Sunday, October 5, 2014

Homemade Sister Halloween Costumes: Sunshine and Rainbow

Today I made my munchkin's Halloween costumes!! I wanted them to coordinate but had a hard time finding anything I loved, so when I thought of the idea of making a Sunshine and Rainbow, I immediately started googling for ideas.

This was my inspiration image for Clara's costume:

First, you attempt to distract your youngest child while you trace a dress of your toddler and cut it out.

Since I don't own a sewing machine, I decided that rather than sewing it together I would just tie it like the way you would make a no-sew fleece blanket.

And then I realized I didn't really think about sleeves .... so I cut some out and hot glued those suckers on there!

Then I traced a large dinner plate on a yellow foam sheet to get the sun face. 

And then cut out tons of triangles out of the foam and the orange felt for the rays. I hot glued those on there and the eyes and mouth/cheeks.

I also made random rays for the hat and it reads "Miss Sunshine Clara." 
 Paired with a yellow t-shirt, orange leggings and her yellow rain boots and she's such a cute Sunshine!

This was my inspiration picture for Emma's costume. Again, I don't have a sewing machine so I needed to get creative.
This is not my child.
I needed a way to get all of the colors lined up next to each other without sewing them together. So I cut a regular sheet of felt (8x11" or so) in half hot-dog ways, and then cut two slits about a 1/3 of the way on each side. Then I lined up the strips of felt to make it the way a rainbow actually is (ROYGBIV: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet) and weaved white ribbon through the holes.

Once they were all attached I was out of white ribbon (doh!) so I substituted blue ribbon for the "sleeves."

As it so happens my fit isn't great, so the next time I get some free time and Emma is in a good mood I'll redo the sleeves so they fit better. I'm also going to replace the knot in the white ribbon with some velcro so it's easier to take on and off. 

Then I spread all of the pieces around

And cut out clouds

And laid them out

And then hot glued them on. This way the colors will stay together a bit better rather than just flying every which-a-way. 

Then we tried the outfit on! My parents were awesome and came over to keep Emma and Clara occupied while I made the costumes which helped a ton.

I think I'm going to make a mini-rainbow for Emma's hat.

Some pictures with Lulu and Papa (I took the sunshine overlay off of Clara's outfit so she could run and play without me worried about it getting too messed up before Halloween. Plus I need to adjust the fit in her dress too. Doh.)

Trying to see the hat on her noggin
 The reluctant canine model:

Clara being a silly monkey
Then Bryan made us some yummy spaghetti.  
Too little for noodles
shaking her finger no no, Papa
Making Emmy Lou smile
Sweet girls
checking out Papa's watch and ring
 Poor puppy ended up with a necklace on

Anyway, that's the end of the (sorta tutorials) for homemade Halloween costumes: Sunshine and Rainbow! Considering I was making it up as I went, I'm overall pleased with the result. 

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