Sunday, October 5, 2014

September Remnants

Always with the best of intentions I intend to blog, but sometimes it just gets left behind in favor of other things - like playing with my kids, sleeping, or school work. Boo, right? :)

So here is what happened the last week in September.

Clara ended up catching Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease at school. We were lucky because she got a very mild case compared to most and it presented kind of strangely so it went away quicker. We only had to keep her home because of the possibility of being contagious for 3 days (Tuesday-Thursday).

Clara LOATHES the doctor with every fiber in her tiny being, so I tried to make the trip more fun by going ton a Squirrel Expedition. We spotted FOUR squirrels! (here we are looking for them in the parking lot before going in :)

 After we got out of the car, "where squirrel go?"

As soon as we walked in the doors all of the good will formed by squirrel watching disappeared in a stream of tears and angry yelling. Doh. But I asked the receptionist if I could give Clara a lollipop if she calmed down and she said sure, so that was enough to get Clara to stop crying thank goodness. We weren't allowed to stay in the waiting room because of the likelihood of HFM disease so I tried 800 things to keep these two occupied in a closet sized room while we waited for the doc.

 Glad that mess is all over!!

Can you guess who may have left an animal cracker on Emma Lou's head?

Picking a happy girl up from school:

Clara wearing a swim suit shirt and the girls loving on their daddy:

Double bounces!! These two videos make me laugh:

Of course when it was time for bed Clara needed to wear her yellow rainboots and a bow. Why not?

love emmy smiles
 Clara nursing her baby doll while Mommy nurses Emma:

By the end of 3 days of nonstop Clara and Emma time I was VERY ready for Lulu to come home from her trip with Dad, Uncle Dewayne, Aunt Tricia, Aunt Jana and Meemaw and Papaw.

Desperation for Lulu:

Lulu's home and we went to the park!

While Clara's very favorite thing to do at a park is to swing...

It's certainly not Emma's! 
This was her first time to sit in a swing I think we'll wait another month or so before trying again :) 

One last slide before leaving the park
Such a good helper

On the way home from the park one of our neighbors was out with their new hamster. Clara was THRILLED to be able to meet a "real Minnie Mouse!!" She even held her for a little while with Mommy's help.

I don't know if there is a way to save pictures off of Instagram yet (I'm still new to the application) but Kim (Emma's amazing caregiver while I'm at school), posted this picture of Emma holding her sippy cup all by herself! She's still completely anti-bottle, but she's starting to accept the sippy cup as part of her routine, yippee!

 Emma is also starting to enjoy teething biscuits while we eat dinner at night

Texas A&M vs. Arkansas Game - MeMaw and Paw and the Bunnis Family came by to watch with us!

Reading with CB
Chatting with Emma Lou
"Twos babies"
Jonah and Emma 

Football & Pizza
After the game we spent a long time playing outside 

a ballerina chilling
sharing a yummy book
 Playing together

Reading for church 

Hanging out with Papa

Being a sweetie for Lulu
Before school - a glimpse of the teenaged years to come!? 

But still a cutie patootie toddler yet:

Serving her Moose and Bear dinner. "Twy ONE bite" ha!
 Post bath time snuggles

Love my mini-me

First pony tail!!
And that brings us to the conclusion of September!! 

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