Saturday, October 4, 2014

Emma Lou turned 6 months old (*cough* 4 days ago...)

The good news is that I DID know it was the day she turned 6 months old when it happened. The bad news is I'm just now getting around to blogging about it. All of these pictures are taken from the day she turned 6 months old.

Please ignore my messy bathroom and focus on the fact that Emma LOVES the Jenny Jump-Up. LOVES it. Clara hated it, so I was even hesitant to bother getting into the attic to pull it out to try it, but I'm so glad I did. I hang it up in the bathroom when I shower and get ready in the morning, I move her to different door ways if I when I do laundry or cook. The only downside is that it needs a real doorway so there's no good place to put it in the living room or game room.

Clara also thinks it's super duper fun to push Emma in it like it's a swing. I nearly stopped Clara from doing it until I realized that we get real belly laughs from Em when she does it, so I guess she likes it? I figure as long as we try to be safe, it's okay.

This video is from the next day, but I thought I'd show you what a typical morning looks like around here :)

Both of those scenarios are VERY common around here :) What a mess we are.

(Back to her month-birthday)
Emma actually prefers hard toys right now over soft loveys. She likes bright colors, and rattle sounds especially. Bonus points if it's easy for her tiny fist to grip.


She's got the cutest crooked grin when she's really happy, and I just love it.

I even made Emma's 6 month check up on her actual 6 month-birthday! (I never schedule those on the right day. Bad mommy.)

She is 14lbs almost exactly and 25" long (15% percentile for both, sweet peanut), but her cute little noggin is in the 50% because she needs more room for all of her brains :)

I have to agree with her doc's summation: "she's perfect"!

We had to wait quite a while between the doctor's exam and vaccinations so she spent a while sitting assisted on the window ledge talking to the trees and bushes outside. This sweet girl LOVES nature.

Rolling all over the table and playing with the crinkly paper. She can roll all the way from one side to the other now :)

Post shots nursing and showing off her sparkly "bambaids" (love the way Clara says that), poor baby

Then I took her shopping in an attempt to find a yellow shirt for school (my least favorite color to wear so I don't own anything that color). And Emma sat in a shopping cart for the very first time!

There were slim yellow pickings and I didn't really care for anything so I got a yellow scarf and decided to call it good, but at least Emma got over her pouts about the shots and had fun looking around and talking to me and Lulu. 

It was a busy day but a good one!!
I love you sweet pea!

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