Saturday, January 23, 2016

7 Wonders Duel Review

Bryan and I enjoy board games. Historically we've had to play Boggle or Scrabble if we want a fun game without the benefit of extra people. Risk, Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Bezzerwizzer, Wits and Wagers, Cranium, Apples to Apples, Dirty Minds, Pictionary, 7 Wonders, etc. - they are all wonderful, but they just aren't as much fun without 3-4 players. 

Well! We've found a game that isn't a word game but is STILL perfect with only 2 players!! (I know!!) The makers of 7 Wonders created a separate board game called 7 Wonders Duel that is meant for only 2 players. The rules are closely aligned, but there are several modifications that makes it a challenging game for a couple to play. 

We cracked it open last night and loved it!!!

Yes I did win :) BOTH times as a matter of fact - muahahah :)

There is actually an App you can purchase to do the score keeping for you, but it's not hard to do it on paper. 

If you've played the original 7 Wonders game then the rules aren't hard to pick up on, but they ARE different, so keep the rule book handy as you play. 

If you haven't played the original before, please don't dispair when you try to figure out the rules!! They are complicated at first. The first game (either Original or Duel) is likely to take you an hour and a half to play simply because you're spending 2/3 of the time figuring out what everything means. BUT if you preserver, then I promise it's going to be so easy the next time you play!! 

The original game takes 4 of us anywhere from 20-35 minutes to play (which means we get to play multiple times! And it's different every time.) The duel game actually takes a little longer. It's more like a 30-45 minute long game. 

Anyway, 5 stars for sure!! 

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