Sunday, January 24, 2016

Saturday Bidness

Our Saturdays always seem to be such
an odd juxtaposition of boring and exciting. I'm not sure how it happens!

This morning, in an unusual twist of events, found Emma Lou wanting to dress up as a "pitty pin-cess" instead of Clara. That truly made me realize that you never can tell what kids are going to do!

Elsa Emma & her blueberry banana breakfast:

Lately we've been doing a ton of work around the house, hanging blinds, photos, fixing things, organizing, etc. One of the changes we made was to move all of Bryan's music stuff into our room. Clara adores "makin' moozac".

She even kind of looks like a rocked chick! Haha

While Clara played the drums, Emma had a heart to heart pillow talk with a puppy. 

For some reason seeing her in the Elsa dress really reminded me of the student who played the Caterpillar in "Alice" last year, wearing a modified blue sleeping bag that drug the ground behind him :)

Updating frames around the house led this this photo:

This girl was cracking herself up by having a conversation with herself but at us. Her babbling/real word combos were hilarious - and I think she knew it too ;)

We planned to get ready to go to the park and meet friends, but they were rather delayed. The result was a family play date at the park!

It took a few reminders of slides & swings to get Em dressed. 

But eventually they both were and off we went!

Emma is a little jealous that Clara is big enough to ride the tricycle but she she can't make it move. Poor girl. 

Clara is getting to be a pro though! She's even stealing!!

In case you were wondering how Clara's hair turned out from the damp twisted buns, here you go!:

Although our plans were delayed, the Evans still joined us for dinner and play time. At first we were bummed that it was too dark to go to the park, but the kids had no trouble finding entertainment for themselves inside while the adults enjoyed tacos and margaritas. 

A LATE bedtime completed the day and we are going to get some sleep!

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