Tuesday, April 24, 2012

LPCA Race for Education 2012

I mentioned in my earlier post about Legacy's annual Race for Education. This is one of the school's primary fundraisers. All of the student's accept pledges for completing the 5K - and then the school spices it up by awarding 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place and so on. This year RFE was held at Burrough's Park which is really a perfect place for this size and type of event. Lapping the big pond 4 times makes up 5k, and provides pretty scenery while you go too :) Plus there was a place for the Dad's to grill, picnic tables to eat at, and plenty of playgrounds for the teeny tiny ones present. 

First, the warm-up :) I loved watching one of the Legacy Mom's (who owns a Gold's Gym) lead an aerobic warm-up/class. The littler kiddos especially enjoyed this, which was so fun to watch. 

The race was then divided in half. First, all of the kids and teachers from 5th - 10th grade ran/walked while all the little kids spread out and gave high fives and cheered. Once they were done, the little ones (Pre-K - 4th grade students & teachers) had their turn. I probably don't need to point out that there were many, many more scraped knees and tears from the 2nd group :)

And they're off!

I admit, I walked. These days running really doesn't feel like an option.
There were plenty of Momma's with their smaller children in strollers too. It really was a huge family day!

Our principal, Audra May, is a runner. She runs marathons, half marathons, and shorter races pretty regularly. The goal for most of the students was to beat her time, because anyone who beat her time could silly-string her at the end :) The kids LOVED it!! But I don't have a picture .... doh!

Once all of the races were finished, the smaller kids had lunch while the big kids played games like tug of war, tire roll, sack race, bean-bag toss, etc. I was in charge of the Three Legged Race. I have to admit, watching the kids do this was probably the highlight of the day for me! It was hysterical. 

Many of the guys thought diving would save them some time.

Faster, faster!


After the big kids rotated through their events, the little ones took their turns. I didn't manage a station this time, just walked around helping with little bo-bos and wiping away tears as well as laughing plenty at the little ones getting into sack races and tug of war. 

At the end of the day was the teacher tug of war, which I was not allowed to participate in, per my superior's instructions. It was probably for the best because there was a lot of falling over and trampling involved, and I'm not sure my 34 week old fetus would appreciate other teachers landing on top of her.

Technically the day ended with an award ceremony, but I was so hot and tired by point, I made my escape a little early and joined Mom's Book Group for lunch. 

Next year I'll have a better idea of what to expect - and I'll bring my own kiddo along to walk the 5K!
Way to go Legacy - I'd call the event a success!

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