Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful Day #5

I am thankful for brilliant time saving ideas!!

This evening I was slaving away over powerpoint when suddenly I thought .... these students can do this themselves!

So I made a really cool chart that the students will fill out in class, and I'll vary up their groups & the assignment. They will get all of the information they need, it'll be in a ready-to-go study format, and best of all: I DON'T HAVE TO SPEND HOURS AND HOURS MAKING TEACHING MATERIALS!! 
(Do I hear an "Amen!"??)

I'm not convinced this is the 100% best instructional strategy, but I so badly want to continue this year, and I've got to find some ways to get my lesson planning done more efficiently, so this is the answer for now. Hurrah!!

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