Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Breckinridge Day 2

Well, Clara fell asleep like a good girl around 8:20pm Houston time, and she slept ok. Mom & I both got up with her multiple times; mostly, I think, because like the rest of us she was having trouble breathing through her nose. We have a humidifier going next to the PNP, but that can only do so much, you know?
On the bright side, Bryan slept great! So hopefully that tickle in his throat is doing better.

This morning Bryan, Tyler and I headed to the slopes. We got our rental ski gear and showed up for the adult ski class. 

Off we go!

Ski boot rental

Bryan & Tyler

Sadly, I really didn't think about how auto-immune compromised joints would do skiing. I made it a few hours but there was no way my knees and ankles were going to make it any longer without a break, so I caught the shuttle back to the condo while Bryan & Tyler kept skiing.

Meanwhile, Mom & Clara played a little and took a TWO hour long nap! Go baby girl!

Once I got back I soaked in the tub (hoping it would help with the ankle and knee swelling, ouch), made some lunch and then joined Mom, Clara, Jamie, Eric, and Ayden at the pool! It's a really neat facility. They've got a 1 foot deep heated pool for the kiddos, a 3-5ft heated indoor/outdoor pool, and a really hot jacuzzi. We splash and played for quite a while! 

(Thank goodness for the amazingly warm robes we borrowed because after getting out of the pool and walking in 10 degree weather is a little bit of a shock) 

Little Ayden in the baby pool
Jamie, Eric & Ayden in the "outdoor" portion of the pool

Mom, Clara & I

Mommy & Baby

LuLu and Clara Beth

Splish splash!

Trying to climb out

Burrr, warm snuggles

Eric's robe & boots combo cracked me up :)

Clara took a short nap when we got back, and then we played and visited.

Bryan and Tyler got back around 4pm worn out and cold :) They did great today!

Looking forward to some lasagna and a good night's rest.

Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. So glad its going well! Wow, it is even more gorgeous out there than I remember! Miss you & give CB a lick from Em!
