Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Breckinridge Day 3

After getting up 4 times last night Clara was ready to go this morning. And after 12 straight hours of uninterrupted sleep Bryan was too! I think Mom and I felt slightly less rested, but still not bad.

Bryan got his gear on and hit the slopes! He loves skiing. I'm so proud of him for trying a new skill and giving it his best.

I decided to not irritate the arthritis and hung out with my Mom & baby girl today. It took me a while to reach that decision, but I think both Bryan & my Mom were relieved.

After a VERY brief nap (30 minutes), little miss decided she'd rather play than sleep on vacation. Can you blame her? So Mom & I decided to return my ski equipment and see a little of the town.

My now EIGHT month old (as of yesterday) all bundled up:

After returning my skis and boots, we hung out at the ski lift hoping to catch sight of Bryan.
3 generations in the snow :)

And we did! We ran into Bryan, Eric and Tyler!

Love :)

The Saliks and Bryan decided to join us for lunch. While we were waiting, we did a little shopping and I found this hat!

We had lunch at a place called Eric's, and it was delicious!!!

Mom & Clara Beth

Eric & Jamie

What does this look like!?!?
Disclaimer: There were no babies harmed in the taking of the above picture.
She was no longer in the suit. This just happened to be where it was set while we got settled and cracked us up.

Mmmmm carrots
Another hat purchase can be seen on the little miss' head:

While waiting for the shuttle to take us back to the lodge, we took a few photos.

Bryan went to ski some more and I *tried* to get Clara to take a nap. It lasted all of 20 minutes. Doh!

Then it was bath time.

She heard the water running and crawled right to it!

In the big girl tub all by herself!!
She was really cranky (maybe because of the incredibly short naps today), so Bryan and I took her swimming.

Then it was back upstairs to eat some (thankfully) warm chili and put the babies to bed. Now Bryan is soaking in the hot tub and I'm blogging away. It's been a great trip so far! I can't believe how fast it's going.

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