Monday, March 11, 2013

Breakfast, Playgroup & Sun

Today started like most days, which means while I ate my breakfast, Clara ATTACKED her cheerios. This is one of her favorite activities of the day. I decided to take a video at the end of breakfast so you could share in the fun :) Make sure your volume is up so you can hear her. This child is a bit of a nut.

Then it was time for playgroup! Today's playgroup met at Panara Bread for lunch instead of at our house. Poor Landon was tired and every time Clara looked at him or started babbling he cried. Clara was oblivious and chatted away, enjoying some blueberry yogurt and soup with me, Emily hung out peacefully in her high chair, and Devon arrived minus pants. We were quite the side show, but had a great time. The kids were overall very well behaved for which we were grateful.

I even ran into a friend - Mrs. Robinson!

After lunch we took a mostly-quick detour into Carter's, and I think we all found a few cute things.

Once we got home it was time for some Vitamin D.

This is Clara's new approach to crawling:

Ahhh, wheels. Her favorite :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, the video of CB eating Cheerio's is SO cute, funny, adorable, and fun! Thanks for sharing :)
