Friday, September 19, 2014

Catch-up #2

I know I keep jumping around but here is my catching up post #2!

You may remember me mentioning in a previous post that Clara takes this little yellow car everywhere? I don't even know where it came from but she LOVES it. So random, but who am I to think it's odd?!

Hanging out on Daddy:

 Clara has learned how to tickle Daddy back which CRACKS me up but he can't stand it! ha!

Daddy/Daughter Technology bonding
 Mmmm orange "pops-lick-al" :)

Minnie Mouse with yellow rain boots! so happy!
just hanging out with her ballerina doll
A little casual afternoon golfing with Mommy 

Love these girls and the time I get to spend with them!

How is she so hilarious!? 

Clara LOVES rain. After she got over her fear of thunder it's been so much fun to see how much she likes "outside water." ("outside water "= the actual rain drops; "rain" = thunder)

Of course it's been basically a monsoon around here and you can't convince Clara to hang out inside and miss the show. Here she is insisting on eating her (now very soggy) snack outside IN the rain.
Notice the camera angle ... I am INSIDE with Emma keeping an eye on her :)
 (you can also see the patio progress and outdoor kitchen progress in the above photo!)

I don't know if you can tell but it is POURING in this picture (ON Clara!)
Mommy .... is wet? Yep, you sure are, m'dear. Haha

Hazel-eyed little love
blue eyed goofy ballerina
 Clara's favorite person: Woowoo!

Mav got a little damp helping keep an eye on Clara in the rain. It really concerned him that she was out there! (Also, he needs a haircut.)

Face time with Molly!

Oh man, moving on up to 3-6 month pajamas! Crazy! 

Emma Lou LOVES watching this video of herself! It cracks her up (and me too!):

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at Clara tickling Bryan until I realized that will be me because Grady is not ticklish. Doh.
