Friday, September 19, 2014

Sunday funday

A follow up to the recent Saturday post ...

We also had a fun Sunday!!

Our church hosted a Western themed Ice Cream Social ("Boot, Scoop & Boogie"). We had a ton of fun!

Lots of Bluebell ice cream, checkers and fellowship.

Side note: Clara no longer goes anywhere without this yellow car .... ??

They also had a western dress up area for the kids - how could I resist?

Even Emma got in on the fun!

Because these two girls are night and day on so many things it only makes sense that where Clara liked to be worn on my front Emma prefers my back (she'll hang out happily back there almost twice as long than if she's up front!)

Coke, frito pie and a baby doll :)
me'n'my sleepy baby
Then later we went to the park with our friends for a picnic! 
Before the Bunnis' arrived, there was this little boy who followed Clara around everywhere. He would try to get her to follow him too, but she kinda marches to the beat of her own drum so he was stuck doing what she wanted to do if he wanted to play with her. So they went down this slide 30 or so times before he got tired of playing her way :)

You can kinda see him in this picture too on the left - he was thrilled when she decided to play on the teeter totter instead.

my girlies
This just makes me laugh: Emma checking otu her feet and Clara getting Daddy's assistance getting out of the dinosaur. 

When the Bunnis Family arrived we had our picnic, yummm.
Love these kiddos!

"catch you!"
Clara wasn't too sure about it, but what a sweet gesture
Clara's favorite park activity: swings!
 Jonah got his first ride in a swing with his mommy!

Shoulder rides on dads are the best 

The mosquitos were so bad we had to duck out early despite the perfect temperature. 

LOVE to see Bryan and Clara holding hands. He is setting the standard. And he's doing a really good job of setting an example of how a gentlemen should treat his family and friends.

A late night teething snack - no worries, no crumbs were actually consumed :)

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