Sunday, January 2, 2011

Adios 2010

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to 2011!

Bryan and I partied hard by ... watching bowl games & visiting with our good friend, Tyler. Not exactly wild & crazy, but we DID make it to midnight! And it was really nice to relax.

Although I don't believe in new year's resolutions in general, I don't think it hurts to give oneself a goal (or two) and see how far you get :)

So this year I've decided to:

1. Really try to ENJOY the next 5 months as much as possible and not only live for the end of this school year. This includes limiting the amount of complaining I do and making sure I get plenty of sleep. It's amazing what an extra hour of sleep can do. Having said that, however, I will also give myself plenty of encouragement via counting down the days. It's much easier to reach a goal when you actually see progress. As of today: 150 days more to go until June 2nd. I even downloaded an app to my phone which will keep count for me! (Not that I'm likely to forget, haha.)


2. Help myself out by going to the gym. I was doing really well about this until my days at school starting ending later and later. It was so hard to motivate myself to go when I didn't leave work until after 6 or 7. I just wanted to go home, relax, have dinner and enjoy some time with Bryan. I've decided there is NO REASON to be at school past 5pm on a normal week day and that I will try to leave even earlier than that if I can manage it. This will also contribute to Goal #1. I'm a much happier (and healthier) person when I exercise regularly. My stress from the past few months has really contributed to weight gain - and just like counting down the days to summer (in a positive way, of course!) I'm going to count down the pounds until I get back to a normal, healthier weight. I can be really good about this when I decide to. Plus the YMCA next to our house is awesome :)

If you came up with a cool resolution or goal, leave them in the comment box. I love reading about them!

And in the spirit of Goal #1 AND Goal #2, I'm going to take myself off to bed right now so I'll wake up shiny eyed and bushy tailed for our first day back at school tomorrow! And still have plenty of energy to spare for the gym after school :) Good night!

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