Saturday, January 29, 2011

Job Update

Well, I figure it's time to "publicly" come clean. I decided to wait until I wasn't angry to actually post about this, because otherwise I'd probably have used foul language and made threats, etc ... which doesn't usually make for good reading :)

I resigned from my job as a teacher.

This year has been one of the most frustrating and miserable years of my life - and most of it did not have to do with my students. (With one major exception. And wouldn't you know it? He just withdrew!!!! Ugh.) I have never so often felt like I was in so much trouble or such a failure as at this school. Last year my administration was very happy with me - this year at a new school my administration has acted like I'm a terrible teacher who doesn't put forth any effort (I guess they overlook my 80 hour weeks? And the ever increasing scores my students were achieving?)

Bryan and I have been debating the "what do I do?" question since about November, and right before Christmas I was very close to resigning. But the thing about pain? We tend to forget. And I forgot a little bit about how horrible it feels to constantly be scolded and constantly be watched like I need constant supervision to do anything properly, so I decided to stick it out. That lasted until last week, when a specialist was yet again very unprofessional (I've sought legal advice regarding earlier problems) and got me into trouble yet again for something that didn't even happen. I cried and was furious and Bryan was furious and we decided that there was no reason for me to be so miserable all the time. I haven't been sleeping very well (even with medicine) and I've had horrible stomach trouble pretty much the entire time I've been teaching there because of the stress.

I absolutely adore many of my co-workers, and I love my students. This was a VERY difficult decision to make - especially considering the financial and reputation ramifications. Thankfully, we will be okay financially AND I have had many wonderful people who have seen my teach all year offering to write me letters of recommendation for future positions.

This sounds like such a negative post, but the reality is that I feel free. I feel a 100lbs lighter, and I bet it will feel even better this coming Friday, Feb. 4th when I say goodbye to my classroom for the last time. I gave them 2 weeks to find a replacement, and thankfully they did find someone. (On Friday I'll hit up happy hour and it will be glorious!)

Thanks for the support these rough past months. Let the good times begin to roll again!

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