Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pennsylvania & Testing

Bryan is on a trip in Pennsylvania! He got to fly out on the company jet (very cool) with several other people all headed the same direction. They left Monday morning bright and early, and he'll be back sometime tomorrow (Wednesday) night. I told him he was pretty much obligated to take a picture of himself in all of the snow, and because he loves me dearly, he complied :)

I really don't like him being gone. It was very hard to sleep last night!! (Which probably made an already terrible day at work worse...)

Pray for all the little children in public schools these days. All this standardized testing is RIDICULOUS! In Kindergarten we have SIX days worth of 2-3 hour testing mornings. Today was Day #2 and it was awful. Then on top of that child-(and teacher)-torture, today was DAY #9 of inside "recess"!!!! Some of those days were legit, and some were just plain stupid. They said that 56 degree weather was considered "snowy conditions"... what does every city north of Houston do for 4 months of the year during recess? Surely those children get to play!! With a coat on in that weather, most children still work up a sweat running around while playing.

Did I mention there are 136 days left until the glorious June 2nd?
Sorry for the rant. This has been (and continues to be) one heck of a year.


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