Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Letters

Friday Letters


Dear Eye Doc ~
You were so weird and awkward, but I thank you for helping us with Clara's eye.

Dear M&Ms~
Stress eating is not figure friendly. Please stop being so tempting!

Dear Kick'n'Play Piano ~
You entertain my daughter for long periods of time so I can accomplish things like laundry and cooking. You are amazing.

Dear Lady Cutting My Hair ~ 
I will see you later this afternoon for a pretty drastic change. I'm trusting you! Don't let me down :)

Dear Houston Weather ~
What in the world is going on?!

Dear Parents & Students ~
This week went so well. I was so glad to meet you, and plan for a fun school year! I pray our partnership continues to be this positive!

Dear Mom ~
You will never know how much I truly appreciate ALL of your help. I love you. Thank you!

~~~~Happy Friday~~~~

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