Thursday, August 16, 2012

What a week

Well, I had some pretty serious ups and downs this week, but overall it was a bit rough. I have pictures, but I'm too tired to mess with uploading them now, sorry. I promise a picture post will come soon.

This weekend: On Saturday was Clara's first trip to the ER :( A stomach bug caused her to get dehydrated. It was really scary, but thankfully she's okay now. Otherwise we ran errands and tried to keep Clara happy. Managed to make it to church & Erin's bridal shower on Sunday though, thankfully.

Monday: Teacher In-Service with Clara (unfortunately after a night and weekend of extremely little sleep, this day was really rough for me personally)

Tuesday: Teacher In-Service with Clara - she did really well, great session with upper school teachers, but I was still so exhausted

Wednesday: Teacher In-Service with Clara. It was a really good day at in-service, but a few things happened that made me sad. Plus when we woke up I saw that Maverick had somehow developed a horrible ear infection (how did I not see it the day before?!) and was covered in yuck coming from his ear. Needed to make him a vet appointment, but I was at in-service, so Mom was the bomb and took him for me. She was home with the dogs when I got home, and for the first time in weeks I just burst into tears. Mom took Clara and sent me to soak in the bathtub. Again I say, Mom you are the best! Plus she took Clara for one feeding that night so I could get more than 4 hours of sleep, which helped SO much!

Thursday: Clara got her 2 month shots. She did not enjoy this, one of the legs she got a shot in is crazy swollen & red, and her eye is infected and we have to give her eye drops 4 times a day - she took it great the first time! but it did not go well after that :( She's been crying pretty much every moment she's awake since she got them this morning. Goose is vomiting all over the house, and Maverick is refusing to let me give him his ear meds. 

Meanwhile, I'm trying to get lesson plans done. Oh, and do little things like laundry and make dinner. Sigh. Sometimes I'm reminded of just how human I am ... thank you Lord for reminding me to lean on you right now!! And thank you for putting awesome people in my life to help me out.

Thankfully this week is almost over and we can try again on a better note next week! Hopefully Clara, Goose & Maverick will all feel better QUICKLY!

1 comment:

  1. Bless all of you! I hope this weekend is restful and next week is happy & easy. Hang in there!
