Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear allergies/cold,
2 days is long enough. Time to move on!

Dear Clara,
You are such a joy. I'm sorry I've been so tired, sick and frustrated this week. I love you. Your smiles make everything worth it.

Dear Aggie Football,
Bummed the game was delayed, but it worked out because last night was i.n.s.a.n.e. in the Evans' household and we would've missed most of it. I am wearing A&M socks for College Colors Day :)

Dear Gradebook,
I *AM* going to keep up with you this year! I AM! 

Dear Puppies,
I promise you will get to run this weekend. Thank you for trying to be patient and keep your energy from most destructive activities.

Dear Bryan,
This is just a temporary phase. We will eventually sleep, snuggle and eat meals all together again. You are amazing.

Dear August,
So long!

~~~Happy Friday~~~

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