Sunday, August 26, 2012

Medical Business

Around here we've had some excitement. CB had her first trip to the ER, her 2 month shots, and saw an eye specialist all in the span of 2 weeks. INSANE.

Clara developed severe diarrhea. I didn't worry too much at first, until it lasted over 24 hours and she was started to get a bit lethargic and her eyes were no longer producing tears when she cried. I started to worry about dehydration (even though she was nursing about every hour or more all day). I called her pedi and THEN freaked out because they said, "take her to the ER immediately." AH! So we did.

Here she is after be weighed, having her temp taken, them obtaining a stool sample (ew), and in the process getting hooked up with some oxygen lines, etc. 

She is way too tiny to need to be in the hospital! (I was right next to her in case she decided to take this opportunity to learn to role. No worries.


Turns out she had a stomach bug. Got her all hydrated up, and she was as good as new! But I'm pretty sure I have a few extra grey hairs now.

Then came along her appointment for 2 month shots. I think I wanted to cry as much as she did. Except she didn't really "cry" per se ... "screamed" is closer to the right word. For hours. Bless her heart. Her leg got red and swollen, and she just looked so disappointed in me that I would allow that. Thank goodness my Mom was there too!
Really the only thing that calmed her down was spending time on the porch. These were a few of the only peaceful moments that evening:

And then the eye doc. CB has had a blocked tear duct since she was born. Since it is completely blocked it developed an infection. We had to use antibiotic drops for a little while, clean it with a warm wash cloth, and then see a specialist (pediatric ophthalmologist? is that right?)

They checked her out, dilated her eyes, and checked her again.

Not sure what's going on around here. But those lights sure are bright when your eyes are dilating.

Oh, well. At least I get to see Daddy on a Thursday afternoon! What a nice surprise!

Playing around, trying to keep her happy:

So cute.

There aren't any pictures after that because then he started working with her eye and she got realllllly mad. But that's what's going on with all of our medical craziness!

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