Monday, August 6, 2012

Poor neglected blog ...

Well such is life with 2 puppies, a newborn, teaching conferences to attend, a house to keep clean, a husband to keep happy.... and making a few minutes of time for my sanity. Sorry blog! 

I have so many updates! 

First, Baby Girl weighed in at an even 10lbs at her 6 week appointment - big growing girl!! She's also had much better digestion ever since we took her to the chiropractor to get adjusted. Something we will do again in the future if we run into constipation issues again! She's a much happier girl.

Bryan had a great ESRI conference in San Diego - lots of fun with coworkers, learned new things, and got to sleep all night for a week (was I jealous? maybe a little :) Not to mention the fabulous weather and evenings at the bar, haha. There are zero pictures from his conference so I can't share any.

Meanwhile Mom, Clara & I went with 24 of my co-workers to the NAUMS conference in Ft. Worth. It was actually really good! There was the usual amount of sessions at a conference that are a waste of time (it happens), but the nuggets of brilliance that I got were worth any nonsense I sat through. I've been going through the lesson plans I already wrote and re-writing them to reflect some of the awesome ideas I heard. I am SO looking forward to this school year!! Mom was a huge help with Clara, and I was thankfully able to nurse Clara and attend everything I needed to. Perfect! Plus Mom got to visit with some old friends in the area which was really nice.

Hanging at the ghetto motel 8 :)

Bath time in the tiny sink

Nona helped at night

Where did your eyeballs go?

Love :)

Too cool

Happy girl

After a very loooooong banquet

Mom got the fixing for margaritas

Classy! These girls are so fun :) Love working with them!

Big bottom lip and super cute outfit

One other big thing came from NAUMS: I finally made the decision to start graduate school. Bryan & I have discussed it for the last 3 years, and I really don't think I'm going to have a better time to do it unless I wait until my kids are out of school .... 2 decades or so from now. Hm. So I start August 20th! So please pray for strength, patience and endurance this year as I balance teaching part-time, being a mommy, and taking classes, plus anything else that just "crops" up as things have a tendency of doing. I'm incredibly excited, and really feel peaceful about this decision.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I miss that little baby girl! She's just so darn cute :)

    2. I miss you, too! Not having a party to plan together means less phone dates...this is sad. I will be calling you sometime soon to catch up!

    2. Congrats on grad school! How exciting!
