Sunday, November 17, 2013

A big, big day! (FIRST HAIRCUT!!)

Oh my. Today was a busy, busy day. You may get tired just reading through this post.

I'll start with the exciting stuff: bath time! It's Clara's favorite time of day :) We usually don't do baths in the morning, but I thought I might want to take her to get her hair cut today, and didn't know what exactly that would entail and figured I'd err on the side of safety and make sure her hair was clean going in.

I did several collages for this post because there were too many fun pictures to share. If you want to see them bigger, just click on them.
 As you can see from the bottom right picture, Clara was not ready to leave the bathroom to get dressed. We took a bath, brushed our hair and our teeth, but we must wash our hands AT LEAST 6 TIMES before we are truly done with our morning routine. 

A couple of videos (I think one of them is pretty long - sorry about that):

Another video:

And another:

After a bath and a much needed nap, we took Clara to Cici's Pizza for the first time. We are usually a Sunday morning church-and-lunch family, but we attended services yesterday so we slept in. It was a deeply gratifying guilty pleasure. The child slept until 8:15 people!!!!!!! Heaven visited us at home.

She tucked away 3 entire slices of pizza.  Where does it all go!?
She thought it was pretty much the most amazing and funny thing ever, so I think it may be the occasional "treat" for scary things like say ..... haircuts!

Right after we filled up her tummy and she was happy, we went to Cool Cuts for Kids to get her very first haircut! I've never even trimmed her hair, so I knew this could go very badly, but I'm so grateful it didn't.

While we waited for Clara's turn, she enjoyed the legos and train table. She was really curious about the cars, but she'd find out quickly what they are for.

 Video; "chooo choooo":

A second video:

Daddy getting Clara used to the idea. The place had little TVs set up in front of each "chair" - this one was playing Elmo. Since Clara has watched probably a grand total of 25minutes of TV in her life (she doesn't exactly sit still after all), she was intrigued. 

Vroom, vroom!

We were hoping the smile would stick around :) And for the most part, it did!

Getting started. She was a little confused by the backwards blue cape, and the woman she's never met with scissors, but seemed to absorb the bizarre situation with unusual acceptance.


Checking out her new 'do in the mirror, holding Daddy's hand and looking confused next to Mama :)


All done!! The nice lady did a fun twist and clip in Clara's hair, and she really enjoyed the lollipop they gave her. I can't believe I let her cut bangs, but hopefully it'll keep her hair out of her eyes for a while. Maybe in the future when Clara is a little more amiable to clips and ponytails we can style her hair to one side.

BUT, after another short siesta, Clara removed her shorts and diaper and managed to get poo all over the wall, crib, floor, and herself. Note the poo in her freshly trimmed hair:

Parenthood is glamorous people, and don't let anyone tell you differently! :)

Second bath of the day:
Daddy gave her some good scrubbing. No one wants to go to bed with poo in their hair after all!

I love the above picture to the left - it looks like she's clinging to him for all she's worth. The bottom right would be the first time Mama had to figure out how to brush and style bangs. Eeek.

The pups wanted in on the poo cleanup action, but alas, they were trapped on the stairs behind the baby gate. Poor guys. 

What did YOU do this lovely Sunday?

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