Friday, November 1, 2013

Updates on CB (16.5mo)

It's been a while since I've made a point to really list the things Clara can do now! At 16.5 months, the list is actually quite long.

She can:
- Walk and run (she looks like a wee drunk as she runs, and ends up toppling over half of the time, but she does it all the time anyway :)
- Go up and down stairs (with some assistance going down)
- Tip toe forward and backward (she thinks its hilarious)
- Find her tongue, belly button, and piggies (toes)
- Plays hide and seek with herself in the mirror with her blanket (I need to catch this on video!)
- Put caps on and off of applesauce or other small items 
- Throw a ball (with very limited aim)
- Wave in appropriate situations without prompting
- Give hugs and kisses
- Self propel on ride-on toys

Edited to include (I knew I would think of a few other things!):
- Claps for herself regularly
- Go down slides on her bottom or face first
- Can unbuckle her seatbelt (boo, working on preventing this)
- Paint with a brush (very messy) and put stickers on paper

She says:
- Hi, hey, bye
- Dada and Mama (We believe there have been a few Lulu and Papas that have slipped out too)
- Ma'wick (Maverick)
- No, no and Yes
- Night night
- Pitty (pretty)
- Dis and Dat (this and that)
- All done (with the sign)
- Eschew (Bless you) in the correct context :)
- Ook (Book)

Edited post to also include: "UH!" (means "up" - with wide open eyes, eyebrows raised, and on tip-toes, to ask to get on something (like the back of a truck or someone's lap), in something (like her high chair), or for someone to hold her :) It's really stinkin' cute. Used most commonly when accompanied by a book to read.

Edited post again to include: "uh oh" - it was her first "word" and it's still the most frequently used :)
"thank you"

Animal noises she can make when she chooses to:
- Wuff wuff
- Grrr
- Rawr
- Baaa
- Barooo (elephant)

Sign Language:
- All done
- More

Favorite things:
- Rocking and riding on things
- Helping with chores (sweeping, vacuuming, unloading the dishwasher, stirring food, dusting, throwing trash away, etc)
- Blankie (and paci when sleepy)
- Bubbles & stickers

Favorite foods:
- Applesauce
- Raisins (bonus for yogurt covered)
- Goldfish
- Chicken
- Crackers

I'm know I'm forgetting things!! But I wanted to try to brainstorm before I forget all of these fun learning experiences.


  1. You forgot "UP" which is actually her raising her eyebrows, up on her tiptoes and says "uhhh" which means pick me up! She says this when she wants to sit in your lap to read or get up on the couch or for you just to hold her :)

  2. I knew I'd miss something! Thank you!!
